Coach overload? Me, too.
But what else could I call my strategy and skill-building sessions with executives and leaders about improved decision-making processes?
While I still consult and facilitate and offer nonprofit and individual services, I also coach executives from all sectors about the role and value of intuition in the workplace.
I love this article, from the February 2021 FastCo magazine. While the word intuition is never used, it is indeed a great demonstration of what it means to stop, observe the bigger picture, allow for greater input, and then move forward.
In this article Todd McKinnon, CEO of Okta, shares five approaches to decision making. You may say, “I already do that,” to which I say, “bravo!” For others it may sound like the luxury of time to which I say, “you cannot afford the time loss resulting from a bad decision.”
If you would like some coaching on making the best decisions possible, I’m here for you.
Here a coach, there a coach, everywhere a coach coach!

Chakra Balancing Meditation
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