Unintentional Joy – Part 2
Last week, I wrote about the unintentional joy I felt when observing various items that, when paired together, reflected a beautiful theme in my life. That same joy can be found in past life regressions, a form of hypnotherapy that allows you to visit earlier times in...
Unintentional Joy
This morning, while journaling, I sat and looked up at my decorative shelves. Thinking of each piece, its symbolism, and their visually happy marriage moved me. At the top is a vase I paid too much for at a charity auction. My husband wasn’t thrilled with my continued...
I Statements Only
The first ground rule of meeting facilitation is for participants to make I statements only. You know, in meetings, when you really want to say, "What the heck were you thinking?" but instead you count to ten and say, "I'm confused. I thought we agreed to X." It is so...
The Instinct of Fruit Trees
My husband and I are new to the desert and trying to grow citrus fruit. Last year, high winds whisked all the buds off the branches, so this year we brought the potted trees indoors. They are small trees with many dozens of blossoms, each representing a...
Which voice do you listen to?
While reading the amazing Julia Cameron's Write for Life, she talked about a fellow author who submitted their first novel to a publisher who responded negatively. He threw the novel in a drawer and did not take it out again for twelve long years. Finally, friends...
So many symptoms, so few causes
It’s easy to think every part of us is falling to the wayside—this hurts, that aches, something is out of alignment, etc. More realistically, we are experiencing many symptoms from one cause. The challenge is getting to the core issue. I am volunteering with an...
You’re Not Broke
Bones break, and then they mend. Hearts break, and then they get stronger. Souls never break. They have experiences and collect information that informs their ongoing journey. You are whole and complete. Pieces of you may be out of alignment or learning overwhelming...
Regardless of where you stand on the current state of our country, our work remains the same. Be kind. Ram Dass reminds us, “Whether this is the first day of the Apocalypse or the first day of the Golden Age, the work remains the same…to love each other and ease...
Just Breathe
It’s here. November 5th. Election Day. We all hope for the best, and we all fear the worst. It is a tense time for the country. The most important thing we can do is keep calm. Breathe in. Go for a walk. Exhale. Turn off the news. You can decide what to do with the...
Sisterhood connecting as one.
Happy Halloween! Here is an inspiring observation about witches. I wish I could take credit for it, but the least I can do is share it. Wishing you many treats, Mary I THINK IT WAS JUST WOMEN It must have been a terrifying sight to behold, a group of witches gathered...
Don’t edit, just write.
The first rule in writing is to just write. That is why I had to kick AI off my Word program. It was editing me as I wrote, even though I was not yet clear about my direction, much less where to place a comma or accept a better word choice. Editing in real time can be...
Storage Containers
When I store leftovers in a clear glass bowl, they tend to get eaten. When they are in a colored or opaque bowl, they are more likely to go to waste. Apparently, opening all those lids and resecuring them if their contents aren't what you're craving takes too much...
I am on the cutting edge of nothing.
What I think of as a grand and new understanding often leads to what others have known, possibly for thousands of years, latching on to readily available ideas whenever I was ready. Still, whenever that aha moment hits, I feel like proselytizing. Like a newly reformed...
Not a dry eye…
This is me, the groom's mother, and my son, Ben, when the wedding DJ started playing "You Are My Sunshine." Every mom in attendance teared up. Many moms approached me to say that it hit them somewhere deep and meaningful. Who can't relate to signing such a joyous...
The Year of Going Live
In 2020, I “attended” many virtual conferences, spoke on podcasts from afar, conducted phone surveys, and delivered Zoom workshops across the country. Some of the people I met online became friends and clients even though we never met in person. This year, I had the...
My Hollywood Life: Two Weddings and a Funeral
It is often said that two things in life bring out the best and worst in families: weddings and funerals. Our son has just married, our youngest daughter is engaged, and my mother’s memorial service is coming up next month. It seems I have every right to feel a...
Retirement is… not having to run yellow lights
What’s the hurry? Being punctual because that is what you value? Missing one minute of a meeting? Five minutes late picking up the kids? I cringe when I think of all the times I ran through a changing light feeling victorious. What was on the other side of that...
The Gift of Clear Communication
One of the best gifts Mom gave her children was certain knowledge of what she did and did not want as she grew older. Mom was clear: Never let me live with you; it's too hard on families. Take my car keys when I am a threat to others. I won’t like it. Do it anyway. No...
What’s your story?
We all have stories about what happened to us, who our personal heroes are, and, of course, who the villains are. As the runt of the litter in a borderline neighborhood, I was a tough kid in many ways (mostly with my sassy mouth since my physical stature was less than...
Heart is Where the Home Is
Over the past few weeks, I have dreamed almost nightly of going to every place my mother ever lived, looking for her, only to remember she doesn’t live there anymore. I know it is my subconscious expressing my sense of losing home when I lost Mom. It wasn’t where she...
Brace Yourself!?
Brace yourself! Here it comes... Bracing yourself does little to prevent whatever it is and can offer harmful resistance. It's good to brace our abs when exercising and our backs when lifting. But should we brace ourselves against all impacts? In tornados, rooftops...
Final Lessons
Even in our final days, we may have one final lesson to learn. For Mom, it’s acceptance. How can we know when it is time to accept something and when there is still time to change things for a different outcome? Hint: when your 92-year-old body no longer works, and...
Happy Interdependence Day
As a kid, I couldn't wait to be "free!" I am still waiting. I thought being free meant no responsibilities, no rules, could set my own curfew. It turns out there is no such thing as freedom. Yes, I can set my own curfew, but at this stage in my life, I am usually home...
“Oh, Shit!”
- Sr. Benedict, fifth-grade teacher Salvation is found in the darnedest places, at the darnedest times. And, often, when you didn’t even know you needed it. Growing up in Catholic schools for twelve years, we heard an awful lot about things that can damage our...
messages of support
Thank you for all the many messages of support. It warms my heart. At the risk of you clicking off, I have one more observation to share with you. Mom is firmly in the first stage of grief (denial.) She believes she is going to get better. At the risk of being a buzz...
Madame Butterfly and The Soul
Last night, as Mom lay in her hospice bed, seemingly asleep but aware of everything, I played her favorite opera arias. Her face instantly relaxed, and the corners of her mouth turned slightly upward. Soon, she was lightly snoring and drifting, no doubt to the...
Graceful Exits
It’s been a rough few weeks having moved my mother into hospice care. We have moved her to varying levels of care four times over the last two years. It is humbling to know that this is the final stop. Not at all what she imagined for herself. When I was growing up,...
Decision Time!
I’ve been struggling with a few things lately, but then I realized that struggle was optional. What I really needed to do was make a choice. Choice A: Decide what I was willing to do about it and dedicate myself to the taskChoice B: Decide I am okay with what is and...
The Grace in Gradually Letting Go
I have talked about the grace of gradually letting go twice in the past week. One friend is dealing with a loved one who often cannot remember her name. Another friend fears she will never have time for herself—and worse yet, isn’t sure she’d know what to do...
“When I catch myself thinking about what could go wrong, I let myself dream about what could go right.”
-PGA Golfer Max Homa When asked about his calm under pressure, this is how Max Homa responded. He learned to take the same thought and turn it around from possible failure to possible success. More than a positive affirmation, Max expressed the ability to dream of...
Years ago, I facilitated a board retreat. The organization's objective was to revisit the vision and mission statement. It was a group of women scientists whose purpose was to support other women scientists. Many in the group struggled to be heard and taken seriously...
Beware The Truth
I had an interesting conversation the other day with someone very anxious to spread The Truth about what is happening in the world. It is not pretty, and he believes we all must be aware or face great harm. Interestingly, he and I have read some of the same works,...
Changing the Conversation
In the past month, I have had the privilege of joining two podcasts. I have participated in both podcasts on professional topics before.What was so refreshing is that neither of the podcast hosts know each other or even live in the same part of the country, yet each...
“I’m No Quitter.”
“I’m no quitter” seems a silly thing to say. I embrace quitting when it is time to let go. I am never married to an imperative that no longer serves me. The thought that “I’m no quitter” challenges me to hang on to something that no longer serves me without care for...
Mistaking the Silence for Unanswered Prayers
Silence can be deafening. Silence can often be mistaken for no one listening, no one seeing, no one caring. Yet, silence is often where the magic happens. It is when your angels are busy putting the things you requested on your path. You did remember to ask, right?...
Toenail Polish and Other Annoying Distractions
For St. Patrick’s Day, I had my toenails lacquered kelly green. It’s not my color. I don’t like it on my toes. I would not wear that color sweater, so why did I put it on my toes? You say, “Relax, Mary. It’s only your toes.” I know! But hey, I look at them a...
Always Trust Your Cape
Enjoy with the sound just right. You’re welcome. Mary
Breaking Generational Patterns with a Hug
Generational patterns of unexpressed emotions can be devastating. It’s hard to trust and to lean into another if your childhood has taught you that it is unwise. Sometimes, it can be a matter of giving others some of what you craved as a child. If what you wished from...
Nesting dolls always fascinate me
Those festively painted stacking dolls always fascinate. They start with a reasonable size doll that twists in half and reveals a smaller version, which then twists in half and continues for another three or four twists until you find a very tiny version of the larger...
Why Have A Psychic Reading?
Here are just some of the responses I have heard from my clients. “I feel so relieved!” “It was so good to hear what I had suspected.” ...
How to Prepare for a Psychic Mediumship Reading
This message is long overdue on my part. It is something I know but have not shared and may help you feel prepared should you consider having a reading. Before I begin, let me clarify what a psychic mediumship reading is and is not. A reading is: An implicit...
How to Create Your Own Poltergeist
The movies and horror stories show poltergeists as ghosts that invade your space and scare the daylight out of you. It's true, they are scary. But unlike in the movies, they don't invade our lives. It's more that we create our poltergeist all on our own. The...
Gaining Perspective
My brothers and I discuss our mother thinking we have the bigger picture. My brothers and I discuss our mother-thinking we have the bigger picture. We do, and we don’t. Our lens extends out further than hers. We can see more of what’s happening, cause and effect. Mom...
Sweet Relief
My 91-year-old mother gave us all a scare last week. She’s doing better but oh so frail. I hopped on a plane to be with her. Finally seeing her brought such sweet relief. I fear that she will someday pass, and I won’t be with her. Of course, it is nothing I can...
Altruism is a fallacy.
I don't like it when the motivation for donors and volunteers is listed as altruism. I just don't buy it. Why would anyone do something that doesn't benefit them in some way? Giving away your precious resources of time, talent, and treasures should feed something you...
“What the actual f**k!”
“What the actual f**k!” This is a quote from a recent reader who read my book, Being Woo Woo in an Engineered World. And that was only one I’d received lately. The book outlines my journey into my first conscious awakening to my intuition and subsequent psychic...
Opportunity’s Knocking
Opportunity. That’s my word for 2024. I am spending this next year seeking and acknowledging opportunities to grow my soul, spiritual practice, and psychic mediumship business. Grace was almost my word for the year, but I realized it was the Opportunity to experience...
Holiday Cards are Optional
About 25 years ago, I decided to stop sending Christmas cards. What a relief! Of all the things on my plate at that time – work, kids, house, shopping, wrapping, shipping, etc. – holiday cards became optional. Once the decision was made, it was so easy to let go. I...
A Square Route to Accomplishments
My sister-in-law sent me the best-ever early Christmas present! An advent puzzle! When I first looked at the picture, 1000 pieces to compile a very busy holiday scene, I thought, “I’m never going to finish this. And, who has time for this?!” Then I opened the box and...
Creating New Cues to Gain Your Bearings
You’re not going to believe this, especially if you’re in the Pacific Northwest, but constant sunshine can make you lose your bearings. December 1 will be one full year of living in the beautiful Nevada desert. One complete cycle of sunshine. Yes, we have bad weather,...
“Roots Hold Me Close, Wings Set Me Free”
-Spirit of Life This week, I was ready to announce my co-ownership in a metaphysical store. I was very excited, but sadly, and for several reasons, it was not to be. That sense of having a place to go, to be discovered, to convene was filled with hope and excitement....
Smile Power 😊
When I was a little girl, my mother worked in a nursing home as the head nurse on the third floor. She cared deeply for her patients and went the extra mile to ensure they felt seen and heard. I remember her bringing me to work to visit the residents with few or no...
Do Agnostics Go to Heaven?
There is no reason to fear for the repose of a departed loved one’s soul. Some fear that a departed loved one might not be at peace because they were agnostic or non-practiced in a specific dogma. Such a misunderstanding of the afterlife! As a traveler into the...
“I want to, but I’m afraid.”
When I tell people what I do they often express fear.They are curious yet afraid of what they might hear. And it makes me sad. You have nothing to fear from Spirit.There is no judgment, no shame, no punishment. We do that to ourselves without any outside help. When I...
Illness is Stuck Energy
Whatever happens to you on one level happens on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. When you are sick, you are in a state of dis-ease. Where you are sick tells you more specifically what is impacting you. For example, pneumonia happens in the...
finding home
A few weeks ago, I talked about settling in. This week, I want to take it one step further. If home is where the heart is, following my passions can only lead to feeling at home because the heart is all about one’s passions. Feeling at home means feeling...
ReInventing Mary
Every few years, I shift the focus of my business. This is one of those years. Now that I’m of retirement age, I love that I can pick and choose how I want to spend my time and be of service to others. It is with great pride and pleasure that I have zoomed in on the...
Settling In
Getting settled in a new town is especially challenging when there are no office mates or school-aged children to bring you into the core of things. So, what did I do? I followed my passions! I visited a crystal shop and found a new business just next door,...
Finally, a day in my home alone!
I was looking forward to this uninterrupted time to think, write, and be more productive than I have been in a long while. To that end, I have won three straight backgammon games against the computer. Keeping myself on task always seems like such a struggle. Of...
My Magic Mushroom Trip
I am late to the party.While a child of the ’60s and ’70s, other than a little pot now and then, I was not really into drugs. I feel lucky that I was not so stressed that I wanted to escape my life and lucky that I was usually too broke to get into too much...
Can you see the stars?
“But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you see the stars." Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is so hard to remember to look up when you are feeling down. Some...
Read a great article in the NY Times about 35 simple things to do for better overall health. My favorite is "If something feels too hard to do, it just means that the first step isn’t small enough.” Like trying to cross a river in one leap. It can apply to...
When Not to Be of Service
I am near completion of part two of my shamanic death doula training. Similar to a birthing doula who helps bring babies into this world, a death doula assists those leaving this life to find comfort and ease with their soul’s passing. Much of what I am learning...
The words are flowing!
So many excellent responses from last week’s missive about choosing your word for 2025. Thank you! My word is flow. Others chose peace, no drama, f*ck no, simplify, commit, and pivot. Now comes the tricky part: remembering to consult your word for daily guidance for...
Moving to a new city and state two years ago, I first wanted to connect. Last year, I looked for opportunity. For the coming year, my word is flow: find it, stay in it, go with it. That means I must surround myself with the word (think post-its) and pay attention to...
Yes sir, that’s my baby…
In hypnotherapy, there is a point where the client is encouraged to find a gift waiting for them that will support them on their journey. Every client finds it, and it is rarely what you would expect: a rock, cane, flashlight, candle, tree, butterfly, grandmother's...
Be Gentle with Yourself
The sweets, the drinks, the spending—it's all part of the holiday season, equal parts fun and temptation. If you’re working to avoid some of these things, it may be helpful to note that willpower is a sure route to failure. Willpower requires a constant focus on doing...
Holidays: Prevent a Season of Disappointment
The holidays are upon us, the prime season for disappointment from unmet expectations. Didn't get the gift you hoped for? Didn’t get the reaction you imagined for a gift you gave? This second one is sometimes the hardest for me. I have learned that what I want to give...
It’s that time of year again….
It’s Thanksgiving, the official kick-off to the holiday season. It can be joyful, worrisome, or overwhelming. You get to decide. Just remember that perfectionism and struggle are optional. It all depends on where you put your focus. Here are a few survival tips for...
Breaking and Healing
I can't help but notice these days that physically, I break more readily and heal more slowly. As I continue to age, that trend will continue. Emotionally, however, that’s another thing. I break less readily and heal more quickly because I know that whatever happens,...
Clean up this mess!
What does it mean to clean things up? In a personal mess, one finds the system that works well for them—how to organize their files, desks, even their closets. When it's your mess, you can see how things got the way they are and what needs to happen to make it better....
What if, just for today…
My friends and I often talk about how much weight we need to lose, what we once were like, and what we were once able to do. It leaves me feeling less than whole. It's as if I've declined in ways I didn't want to and might never return. What if, just for today, you...
It’s Labor Day! Throw yourself a Parade!
Labor Day originated in the labor union movement, which advocated for better working conditions, fair wages, and improved labor laws during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The holiday demands that hard work be recognized as the asset that it is. It reminds me...
It’s easier to hold yourself down that it is to make progress. – Ally Love
When you are frightened by a challenge, your ego is your best friend. It encourages you to stay stuck. It sends out all kinds of warning flares such as “better not. You might fail.” Or “You’ve got it good right where you are. Why stir things up?” Or “People aren’t...
Been noticing lately that everywhere I go, there is music playing, often loudly. My husband noted that on the golf course, more and more personal carts are tricked out with Wi-Fi sound bars. The golf course! Are we going the way of Rodney Dangerfield? It is especilly...
An Emerging Chakra: The Oversoul
Ever heard of The Oversoul? I discovered it when studying the transpersonal chakras. I had heard of it before but only recently delved into it. Last week, I discussed the Akashic Library, a Spiritual collection of all past, present, and future thoughts,...
Permanent Records and the Akashic
I always thought that the permanent record idea was made up by the nuns, designed to keep us all in line by reminding us that God is always watching and knows what we’re up to. A Big Brother state invented by nuns. It had a lot of connotations of guilt and shame...
When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Will Appear
Truer words were never spoken. I have had a crash course in the transpersonal chakras, which I have shared in my last five posts. In short, they take us from engaging with the deepest and most profound Earth energies all the way to the Divine. As if to further my...
Beyond the Seven Main Chakras: The Divine Gateway
The exact number of chakras varies depending on who you talk to. They are along our spines, in our hands and feet, between our heart and throat chakras, along various meridians. The most commonly discussed are the seven main chakras. For the past four weeks, I...
Beyond the Seven Main Chakras: The Universal Gateway
The more enlightened I feel, the more I find the wisdom deep from within. Lifting my third eye to the heavens brings me back to some mysterious place inside and, on occasion, familiar. That is the Universal Gateway. I have struggled to fully appreciate this...
Beyond the Seven Main Chakras: The Stellar Gateway
All the recent revelations about aliens in the news seem funny to me. Aliens on Earth are nothing new. Ask any pilot, astronaut, or nighttime truck driver. They have seen them and been unable to talk about it—the few who do often receive ridicule. Beyond witnessing...
Beyond the Seven Main Chakras: Soul Star
This week, I continue to share what I am learning about the transpersonal (external) chakras, those that align with the seven main chakras and are located outside the physical body. Learning about the seven main chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat,...
Beyond the 7 Main Chakras: Ground Zero
Lately, I've been curious about the other chakras. The transpersonal chakras located outside of our bodies and flow through our core, connecting us beyond our bodies' wisdom.In my book, I talk extensively about the seven main chakras that run from the...
I’m Back!…
If ever I wondered whether anyone reads my emails, I no longer do. Thank you to everyone who asked me where I've been and whether I will return soon. It touched me deeply. I was just out of gas and going in directions that weren't true to me. At one point, I started...
What Does It Mean to be Woke?
I want to believe I am woke, but I know I’m not. At best, I am waking. I am a “Karen” trying hard to understand others lived experiences. I prefer to say that I am waking. It acknowledges my intentions while also acknowledging that I – any of us – will ever...
I have to be honest with you. I’m not just feeling it today. I sat down to write my weekly blog post, and everything felt forced. It’s been a great week, especially celebrating my birthday with so many new friends and a few family members. There’s nothing to complain...
I see you.
I’m starting to hear this everywhere. “I see you.” Its very simplicity is powerful. It wasn’t that long ago that I felt invisible. Not because I was ignored but because so many people were confused or uncomfortable with who I was becoming. Rather than lean...
Things NOT in the Brochure
Mark and I love our new home… for the most part. It is everything we wanted… and a wee bit more. It's not what was said that gives me pause. It's what wasn't said. Things not in the brochure include things like recurring 40-mile-per-hour wind gusts that send...
Opening Day = Hope
I am writing this on Opening Day for major league baseball. Every year, my hopes are HIGH that the Mariners will go ALL THE WAY! That feeling of hope and possibility greatly boosts my psyche, ushering in the promise of sunshine, warmth, and...
Why is it that things have to get worse before they get better?
Is it mandatory for things to get worse before they get better? Like all hypothetical questions, the answer is "it depends." For example, if you want to clean a closet, you must haul out all the junk that has been gathering for years. What was taking up a few shelves...
“We make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” -Carlos Castaneda
My aunt loved to be miserable. The world was a dangerous place filled with potholes that could trip you up at every turn. Some sure-fire ways to stay miserable are to recall every slight regularly, take every red light as a personal offense, decide what others who do...
Ted Lasso is a Gift to My Soul
I hope you have had the opportunity to watch Ted Lasso. It is the story of a US football coach down on his luck who is recruited to coach a football team in England. The twist is twofold: Lasso doesn’t know a thing about “soccer” which is good because he gets hired...
Learning and Integrating
I am enjoying a course I’ve been taking for the past month—lots of new things to learn and old things to relearn. The course is about learning to observe subtle changes and how to integrate them into every area of my life. The integration is where I sometimes get...
The Best Laid Plans…
Lately, I have had several conversations with different people experiencing extreme disappointment.I get it. I’ve experienced disappointment, too. What I’ve learned is that it results from unmet expectations.That’s when the shoulds and oughts surface. ...
“I’m talking to myself. Please don’t interrupt.”
-Me My husband is constantly interrupting me. He is under the misguided impression that if I'm talking, I must be trying to communicate with him. Sometimes that is true. But only sometimes. Not usually. Okay, most of my day, I am talking to myself. It is not my goal...
Radical Self Honesty
The other day, I was working on defining my intentions for a class I am taking. I wrote it without going through the recommended process. Then I read the recommended process and followed it. I soon realized my intention was superficial, like believing I looked like...
And on that note….
We recently purchased a new washer and dryer. Maybe not be the most exciting purchase, but they look modern and perform well. There’s an added benefit I hadn’t anticipated. They play a happy little tune when the washer or dryer has completed a cycle. Our old machines...
“There are none so blind as those who will not see.” – Mabel Cappellino
I’m sure my grandmother didn’t coin this phrase, “There are none so blind…” but she was my introduction to it. And she sure had a way of using it to make a point. She would say it while cleaning my brother’s glasses or listening to the six o’clock news. There are none...
The Garbage Truck is Coming
I had a few responses to last week’s posting about “the time is now” to work toward your dream.One woman reader replied, “But the question is how to move towards what we want or feel we need without being (or being perceived as being) selfish.”It is a fair question...
Selfishness: That Old Saw
I had a few responses to last week’s posting about “the time is now” to work toward your dream.One woman reader replied, “But the question is how to move towards what we want or feel we need without being (or being perceived as being) selfish.”It is a fair question...
The Time is Now
Whatever you think you want to do, whatever you believe is your higher calling, the time to act is now.My clients have shared a million reasons why they must wait. It almost always involves accommodating others. This is a notion I challenge by suggesting all the...
A Tale of Two Cats
I recently heard an interesting story about two cats.The first cat was kind, loving, and the picture of domestic pethood. She loved being a part of the home and gave as much love as she received.The second cat, introduced into the household several years later as part...
What are new year goals without reflection?
Yes, we need to set goals and lay out some plans for the coming year. Not necessarily resolutions, but some focus is always helpful.It helps, too, to reflect on the year’s end. More than how you did against goals, reflecting can reveal some lessons you didn’t know you...
Waiting for the Pod to Arrive
Wishing you a very merry holiday season! 2022 was filled with sad goodbyes and new beginnings. 2023 holds so many wonderful possibilities and I am grateful for the opportunity to share them with you. Our big move to another state was overall very successful. Yet like...
In Times of Change, You Need an Anchor
Even the most exciting, planned-for, anticipated transitions are hard. We have been planning our move from Washington to Nevada for almost a year. Last week, the day finally came. And now, I find myself needing a system for even the simplest tasks. It will take time....
Boundaries are sexy! – Robin Arzon –
The best part about boundaries is that they tell me who my people are and who they are not.If someone has boundaries that I don’t appreciate, it is a sure sign that they know their limits. How great is that?It is not my job to like them, only to respect them. If their...
Personally, I am a Phillies fan. Regardless…
Personally, I am a Phillies fan. Regardless, I love stories like this. During the 2020 baseball shutdown, Cristian Javier was playing in a field in the Dominican Republic, to keep building on his skills and never letting his dream fade. COVID provided no excuses....
Details! Details! Details!
My Myers Briggs confirms that details are not my strong suit. I love the big picture, happy to delegate the rest. As we prepare to move to Nevada, there is so much planning before, during, and after, from packing and unpacking to finding a doctor to finding a decent...
Change is in the air!
Change is coming in a big way! We have sold our home of 23 years, a bittersweet celebration. We love our home, but it is too much space for two people — time for another young family to enjoy. As we say goodbye, I am filled with gratitude for what was, what is, and...
You must surrender to where you are in order to move forward.
I first heard this idea of surrendering to make progress during a workout. I could not merely will myself to get to the next level without injury unless I surrendered to my current fitness level. I want to use the 25lb weights yet the 12lb weights are still a...
The path to success is not a straight line.
When starting my career, I felt with every promotion that I was indeed on my way up, up, up. It was a fabulous feeling. Then the inevitable happened. The path became curved, forked, and at times dipped below where I thought it would lead. I felt like a failure. I...
A dream without a plan is a distraction. A plan without a clear goal is busy work.
Where do you put your two most precious resources of time and money? Starting any plan with a clear dream or vision provides valuable information for directing your resources for the best possible outcomes.A vision isn't set in lead. It can have flexibility or change...
What does it really mean to “trust your gut?”
Everyone has heard about the importance of doing a gut check when deciding. There’s a reason for this. The number of nerves is unparalleled anywhere else in the body, so much so it is called the “second brain.” It contains up to five times as many neurons as the...
Are You Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic?
Are you trying to make the best of a bad situation by ignoring what’s really happening and acting as if the little changes will make the situation different? I worked with an organization that signified to the outside world it had lost its sense of direction by...
We All Take a Village
When you’re in the midst of a crisis, it’s nearly impossible to summons common sense. Some crises pop up in a moment while some are a long slog deeper into a bad situation. When I was eight months pregnant, I developed placenta previa, a condition that can kill both...
It is what it is.
What does this expression mean to you: It is what it is? I have always interpreted it as a rather healthy response to accepting a situation, but lately, I have found people using it as an excuse. Sometimes, "it" is the wise acceptance of a circumstance you cannot...
When NOT to Overthink
If you are responsible for launching humans into outer space, then please think as much as humanly possible about what will make this endeavor successful. Think, think, and think some more. If, however, you are in the middle of a crisis, please spend less time...
What’s Your Control Drama?
In The Celestine Prophecy, James Redfield outlines the four control dramas: The IntimidatorThe InterrogatorThe AloofThe Woe is Me Whatever your control drama is, you no doubt learned it early on in life, and it’s still your first response under stress. The names...
If Only I Had More Caffeine…
...Or more protein powder in my shake, or more of something external to enhance my slow performance on my Peloton bike. Then I heard myself. I was looking for an external fix to something that meant today I would be a little slower and perform at a different pace, in...
Cancel Your Subscription to Other People’s Issues
You are not responsible for others’ issues unless you agree to it. I have a client making huge decisions about the care of a loved one. This person is barraged by another family member’s opinions and outright anger even though they do not...
Believe in Overnight Sensations?
You and I know there's no such thing as an overnight sensation, right? There are the occasional flashes in the pan, but a true “sensation” is discovered after much trial and error, sweat and toil, and downright persistence on the part of the individual. The good news...
Slow Your Roll
Driving a familiar route can give a sense of knowing an area. After all, you see it all the time.Strange, though, how you notice new things when you walk the same route. People and places you’ve only driven by take on more details and distinguishing features.That’s...
Efficient or Effective?
How often is the success of our work judged by being efficient? It is scheduled, measurable, and productive. Perpetual momentum. Effective, however, is challenging to schedule. It requires time for relationships, collaborations, and thoughtful consideration of...
What does it mean to celebrate independence?
The American spirit of independence is deeply ingrained in our society. We take it to mean that as adults, we can pay our way in life. We call all the shots. Lately, I’ve heard independence and freedom used interchangeably, but there is a difference. None of us are...
Childhood trauma can affect your success today.
My heart breaks every time I work with a client who experienced childhood trauma. Forever, they wonder how they could have prevented some of the most upsetting and violent things from happening. You couldn’t. That sense of powerlessness follows you and makes you...
Want Optimal Performance? Try Cleaning the Air Filter.
We had a fun getaway last week. Mark and I stayed at a resort in Palm Desert. It wasn't a high-end place but good enough for getting away from Seattle's unceasing rain. It was such a relief that we didn't even mind too much that temperatures were 15 degrees above...
Need More Signs?
I was entering the expressway the other day and the first thing I saw was a sign that warned, “rough road.” I chuckled, wondering how helpful it would be if life would more boldly label what’s ahead from time to time. “Smooth Sailing Ahead”“Next Exit for...
Excitement for the New. Gratitude for What’s Not.
The house painters arrived. Their job is to return our home to neutral colors allowing prospective buyers to envision themselves living there. Their job is to erase us. Our bedroom is/was red with gold and black accents. We loved it. We don’t count anymore. As the...
The Married Widow
The married widow. It’s not a typo nor an oxymoron. My friend and I have an ironic take on her situation. She is married to someone with Alzheimer’s disease. She is both married and alone all at the same time. Her husband now resides in memory care much to her relief...
I was a mean girl
I didn’t know it at the time. I thought I was funny. But I wasn’t. I was mean. I want to take a moment to apologize to my teenage friends, Cindy, Amy, Sue, et al., for the times I was an absolute ass. I had a wicked smart tongue. The thing I’ve learned about being...
“Are you distracted by the future?
As my husband and I prepare our house for market, I keep receiving these wake-up calls that I still need to pay attention to this place as if we still lived here – because we do! Damn, I still need to clean the bathroom, pay the bills and participate in daily living....
“Should I Stay or Should I Go?” – The Clash
I recently spoke with a client who had a rough year. He felt like walking away from a challenging situation, not of his making but still landing in his lap. Yet, something told him that there was valuable learning here and to hang in there a bit longer. He was glad he...
“As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was about to happen.” – Winnie the Pooh
That is precisely how I feel when I begin with a new client – that an adventure is about to happen. When working with me, your adventure will include what can sometimes feel like scary introspection followed by positive, life-changing outcomes. Barriers indeed serve...
External Validation is for Parking
Buddha teaches us that when we rely on others’ approval, we give away our personal power. Whenever we feel that need for our spouse, boss, children, or parents to validate us, we instantly hand over our power, waiting for their decision on our self-worth. We tend to...
The Art of Detangling
How do you tackle a gnarly situation? My husband and I have an ongoing (friendly) discussion about how to release a snarl, a tangle, whether it is in my hair, a muscle spasm, or a necklace chain. His approach is to go right to the center and wrestle with the knot,...
Every Decision Moves You Closer to or Further from Your Goal
Reading The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson was a game-changer for me. Here is the bottom line: Every Decision Moves You Closer to or Further from Your Goal If your goal is to save money, going out to lunch every day takes away from that...
“First the Challenge, Then the Change”
Every so often, I find some of the most quotable quotes from the Peloton instructors who encourage me through such crazy workouts as a 30-minute Tabata, huge stationary bike climbs, and strength training. True, it is voluntary, so I could just not participate. But...
What’s the difference between being intuitive and being psychic?
In some ways, intuition and psychic abilities are closely related. Being psychic means divining messages about others and situations.Being intuitive is listening to the messages that lie in that space of the still small voice within. Some people are psychic but not...
Learn To Be More Selfish
I was at a psychic fair offering readings this past weekend. It was amazing how many of the people I read for needed two very similar messages: Draw good boundariesBe more selfish When both of these are ignored, victims are created. Those are the people who can’t move...
Creating a Safe Space
There’s a fun exercise used in hypnotherapy to provide clarity and calm. It’s called creating a safe space and here’s how it works. This space is of your own creation and lives in your mind and heart. It can be real or imaginary, perhaps someplace you know or...
Here are five things we can all do to counteract this war in Europe.
You and I cannot solve this problem, BUT we can make a difference. Here are some thoughts about how. Demonstrate compassion toward each other. Acts of kindness matter. The collective energy we put out into the world plays a role in spreading hope.Demonstrate...
The Olive Oyl Perspective
I always laughed at Olive Oyl, Popeye’s sweetheart and Swee’Pea’s mom. Olive Oyl walked blindly along busy streets, ignoring the danger, accidentally riding to the tops of elevators on dangerous construction sites, and gently landing back on the sidewalk thanks to a...
Tradeoffs suck
My husband and I are talking about downsizing and moving to someplace with a lower cost of living.For every location we consider, we find plusses and minuses. I mean, where else do you find the beauty of the Pacific Northwest without the high cost of living?We ask...
The Washington Post printed this article last week, and boy did it call out our society to a T. Bottom line: we Americans put a very high value on being productive over all else. The husband writes to “Dear Carolyn,” a syndicated advice columnist. He is upset that his...
Gosh, I love magic. Do you?
Listening to meditation music, closing my eyes, feeling myself lift. It gives me a new perspective, feeling lighter physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. In this state, all things are possible, calm, and safe. Like magic. I need only to close my eyes and...
The Woo Woo Vs. the Engineer on Systems
My husband, Mark, and I have had go-arounds for the past 34 years about systems, those everyday habits that save time and energy and offset forgetfulness. As an engineer, Mark is driven by systems and organization. It is not a perfect practice on his part, but it is a...
“Hello, Mary? This is life. Write this down…”
Ever get a call out of the blue that says, “I know your week is all planned, you’re feeling productive, but reality has something else in mind for you?” Most of us can recall times like these without much trouble. Fortunately for me, my 2022 guiding words are “Embrace...
What’s the difference between a resolution and an affirmation?
On New Year’s Day, my friend said she never makes resolutions. They are just another opportunity to disappoint herself. Brava! I don't make them either. I suggested that she try affirmations instead and here's the difference. Resolutions tend to be written in the...
The Science Behind Intuition And How You Can Use It To Get Ahead At Work
I love this article! The author and I both work with executives to tap into their intuition with greater understanding, accuracy, and confidence. We understand that your intuition is the single greatest resource designed to serve you. Here are a few highlights Your...
How to Begin Planning for the New Year
At the beginning of every year, I take three steps: I review my vision making updates or changes as needed.This vision is for all of my life, of which my job or career is only a piece.I choose my words to guide me. For 2022, I choose “Embrace the And…”Then, I review...
Choose Your Words Wisely!
If there is one thing I have learned in the past two years, it is to “embrace the and.” That is why I have chosen these simple words to be my guide for 2022. They remind me to remain flexible, agile, open to new possibilities at every turn. What will be your guiding...
Peace on earth…
This is one of my favorite Christmas stories and I want to share it with you. World War I and the Christmas Truce* Starting on Christmas Eve, many German and British troops fighting in World War I sang Christmas carols to each other across the lines, and at certain...
How do you make use of the darker days?
I am convinced that I am solar-powered. And here I find myself living in the Pacific Northwest, where gray flannel skies rule for far too much of the year.Yup, I sleep far too long with these dark days. Being a morning person, it can be quite disruptive. Sans the...
People don’t like free
I’ve come to believe that we want free stuff, but we don’t trust free offers. “What’s the catch?” “No such thing as a free lunch.”Sometimes, free is free.It’s a gift. An opportunity to try something new. An invitation to join.Every other...
The season of giving and receiving is upon us
The season of giving and receiving is upon us. Are you a gracious giver and receiver? To be truly generous and thankful, we must learn to do both, or it is not true generosity. For many, this time of giving thanks is a joyous occasion. For others, it is a little too...
The Secret to Building Cohesive Remote Teams: Empathy
The Predictive Index recently posted their 2021 report on CEO benchmarking, and they talk about what it means to shift to remote teams. The number one result was working well as a team. "51% of CEOs cited “working well remotely” as a top hurdle.Companies may be...
What are you hiding? It’s time to Out Yourself!
It’s time to proudly acknowledge that something about you that makes you truly you. For me, it was outing my intuition and psychic medium talents. Many people didn’t quite know what to do with that, but that’s okay. The ones that did show up almost immediately, and...
Hate what you do? Bored with your job?
I hear this a lot. But I also hear great resistance when I suggest that one work with their passions. “I don’t want what I love to become a job.” Wow! What a way to stay stuck! I have heard this same sentiment from far too many of my clients. Let me try this another...
Yes, but is it true?
How many of us carry damaging stories around we believe to be true?The correct answer is all of us.My latest reminder was with my 89-year-old mother who stopped taking my calls because early this summer I insisted she move to assisted living.It was very upsetting...
Congratulations on your promotion! Now what!?!
Every time I got a promotion, I felt the confidence for all of five minutes before the next level of anxiety set in. The stakes were higher, and even more, people would look to me to make good decisions. “What if I fail?” Can you relate? Some people call it imposter...
What the Heck Does Mercury Retrograde Even Mean?
You’ve heard people throw around the term “mercury retrograde,” and maybe you even know that it means things can go haywire. But what is it really? Simply put, Mercury Retrograde is an optical illusion. A time when Mercury looks as if it is moving backward. Its effect...
Want to shift the energy of a situation? Try sacralizing it.
Some things get overwhelming, and you may or may not know why. A simple or obvious thing becomes bigger or harder to deal with, seemingly more complex the more you try to deal with it. When this happens for you, I recommend “sacralizing” the situation. Let me explain....
“When the terrain differs from the map, trust the terrain.” -Jerry Devill
My husband and I set off on a three-week road trip through the southwest.On two occasions, we have made the risky decision to ignore our GPS and gone a slightly different route. Both times, we were correct in doing so and saved as much as ten to twenty minutes of...
I solve your problems
Actually, I help you solve your problems, and then I help you stop creating more problems. “How,” you say? Most problems come from bad decisions, and problems get in the way of achieving your goals. With my process, I show you how to make better decisions using...
Life at the End of a Yoyo String
There’s one visual that keeps coming to mind when I think about this year so far. A yoyo. More specifically, what it means to be at the end of the string. Some things have taken me by surprise, while other things didn’t go as I had hoped. This whole year has felt like...
Not Unique Enough? Someone Else Already Doing That?
Ever found yourself thinking you’re not original or unique enough? A client explained that every time he thought of something he really wanted to do, someone else had already thought of it, so he couldn’t do it. That is when I shared with him this secret that I...
What decisions are you putting off?
“Decision is the spark that ignites action. Until a decision is made, nothing happens.... Decision is the courageous facing of issues, knowing that if they are not faced, problems will remain forever unanswered.” Wilferd Peterson What decisions are you putting off? ...
Do you makeup Heart-full or Head-full decisions?
Do you find that you lean more toward heart or head when making decisions. With a child you might lean more towards heart but at work more towards head but let’s think about that.A heart-full decision is guided by how a decision makes you feel be it good or scared or...
How do you end a tug of war? You drop the rope.
The past few months, it has been a struggle for my elderly mother to accept that she needs assisted living to stay safe. She’s not having any of it. Every day she is combative and adamant and all kinds of cranky. It has been exhausting and sad. Being my mother’s...
What is that one conversation you’re avoiding?
“By definition, the courageous conversation is the one you’re not having now. By definition, the courageous conversation is the one you don’t want to have, and by definition is the one you hope isn’t true, and there’s another one you can have in its stead.” - David...
Five Ways to Get Unstuck
This week I had the pleasure of talking with nonprofit executives from across the country on The American Nonprofit Show. We talked about how to get “unstuck,” something so many of my clients ask for help with. (You can listen to the broadcast...
The Power of the Present Moment
Last week, my mother approached the reality of leaving her longtime home for assisted living the way the prisoner steps around the puddle on the way to the guillotine. She was still in her home, still alive, still living in the now. A few days before the move, Mom...
The Era of Mass Resignation
I heard an employment expert say that COVID ushered in “The Era of Mass Resignation.” Working from home, people got in touch with work-life balance in a whole new way. Many realized that work was not the most important thing in their life. Maybe, after removing all...
Some “Winning Strategies” are a Sure-Fire Way to Fail
My mom is a master of strategy. It has served her well in most areas of her life. Until now. Not wanting to move to assisted living, mom devised what she felt was a winning strategy that required everyone else to change their situation to help care for her at home so...
Did you know that women’s heart attacks have different symptoms than men’s?
Below is a link to a great article about biases when diagnosing women's health. It makes the case that what medicine accepts as "normal" is often based on symptoms as would likely be displayed by a trim white male.This doesn’t just happen in medicine. Sometimes we...
Belief is the code that programs the mind
I read in a horoscope today. I won’t tell which sign it was attributed to because, well, that’s not the point. The point is that it is a good reminder for all of us. Here it is: “Belief is the code that programs the mind. Once a thing is believed, the perceived world...
Managing New Realities and Setting Expectations
Sometimes, things happen in our lives that are beyond our control. The loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, breakups, injury. All sorts of things. The adjustment period can be very long and difficult depending on the level of trauma and our willingness to work...
Have you hit a barrier in your career or personal life?Sometimes barriers are big walls that are hard to see your way over or around. Other times they are so small and yet they pose the same level of threat.I had a client who went through life always feeling like he...
From Bottom Line to Forward Momentum
When the Boeing 737-max crashed, they took much of Boeing with them. They also took their long-standing reputation for building with integrity and safety as leading values. Boeing is the clearest demonstration of the downside of the ROI-based approach to business....
Here a coach, there a coach, everywhere a coach coach!
Coach overload? Me, too.
But what else could I call my strategy and skill-building sessions with executives and leaders about improved decision-making processes?
While I still consult and facilitate and offer nonprofit and individual services, I also coach executives from all sectors about the role and value of intuition in the workplace.
I love this article, from the February 2021 FastCo magazine. While the word intuition is never used, it is indeed a great demonstration of what it means to stop, observe the bigger picture, allow for greater input, and then move forward.
In this article Todd McKinnon, CEO of Okta, shares five approaches to decision making. You may say, “I already do that,” to which I say, “bravo!” For others it may sound like the luxury of time to which I say, “you cannot afford the time loss resulting from a bad decision.”
If you would like some coaching on making the best decisions possible, I’m here for you.
Good news! You don't need to sit in the quiet for an hour to access your intuition. Here are three quick tips for getting in touch with your intuition:3 Breath 2 Notice 1 FeelWhen you stop to take a breath, you bring much-needed oxygen to the thought process....
Bah humbug!
Yeah, I know. We’re all expecting lots of “happy” this and “merry” that. Some days just don’t align with that feeling. Except for last night. Last night my husband and I built a gingerbread house together. It didn’t take long and it didn’t look like the picture on the...
2020: The Year of Clear Vision???
2020: The Year of Clear Vision??? 2020 was heralded as the year of Clear Vision. Yet, some are saying 2020’s vision was murky at best. But is that true? Maybe we just did not like what we saw or feel overwhelmed by what we see and unable to sort it all, or...
What Successful Leaders Know: Intuition is not Woo Woo
What Successful Leaders Know: Intuition is not Woo Woo By Mary F Gleason Leadership development courses are evolving to include intuition as a critical factor in successful leadership. Intuition in the workplace is not an entirely new concept, yet with enormous...
Ignore your intuition at your own peril.
Ignore your intuition at your own peril. Intuition shows up most readily for us through our chakras, the seven main energy bodies, or "satellite dishes" that run along the spine. Like a satellite dish, your chakras are continually receiving and...
Be bold. Be intuitive. Shine bright.
I’ve been hiding my light under a bushel basket.As much as I spend my time encouraging others to step into who they truly are and embrace it, I still sometimes hold myself back. That’s what happens when we let ego take over -- it wants to keep us safe by keeping us...
Why is an Organizational Vision So Important?
How many hearts and minds across the country and around the world would Martin Luther King, Jr. have captured if he proclaimed, “I have a plan!” 😴 No! Instead, he offered people a dream 😍 of what could be better and engaged them in realizing that dream. He spoke of...
From Perfect to Authentic in One Minute and Fifty-Three Seconds
A few weeks ago, I grabbed my phone,🤳 went outside, hit “record” and shared a brief tip for those of us who were feeling socially disconnected because of the quarantine restrictions. The message was simple – when you cannot be with others, connect with Mother Nature....
What Walls Need Your Attention?
This led to an internal conversation about what walls am I putting up? What uncomfortable truths am I hiding from?
The Most Unexpected Place Executives Find Essential Information
As an Executive, you know that making decisions that affect so many important things is a huge responsibility! “If only I could be sure…. “ 📏📊📉 Well, there are no guarantees in this world but there are ways we can add to the obvious and copious amounts of data: A gut...
Here’s Why a Little Bit of Woo Woo at Work is a Good Thing
We live in data overload! There are numbers, charts, estimates, and comparisons of budget to actuals in need of your constant attention. And still, with all of this data, very intelligent executives sometimes make bad decisions. In order to move forward, your team,...
Unintentional Joy – Part 2
Last week, I wrote about the unintentional joy I felt when observing various items that, when paired together, reflected a beautiful theme in my life. That same joy can be found in past life regressions, a form of hypnotherapy that allows you to visit earlier times in...
Unintentional Joy
This morning, while journaling, I sat and looked up at my decorative shelves. Thinking of each piece, its symbolism, and their visually happy marriage moved me. At the top is a vase I paid too much for at a charity auction. My husband wasn’t thrilled with my continued...
I Statements Only
The first ground rule of meeting facilitation is for participants to make I statements only. You know, in meetings, when you really want to say, "What the heck were you thinking?" but instead you count to ten and say, "I'm confused. I thought we agreed to X." It is so...
The Instinct of Fruit Trees
My husband and I are new to the desert and trying to grow citrus fruit. Last year, high winds whisked all the buds off the branches, so this year we brought the potted trees indoors. They are small trees with many dozens of blossoms, each representing a...
Which voice do you listen to?
While reading the amazing Julia Cameron's Write for Life, she talked about a fellow author who submitted their first novel to a publisher who responded negatively. He threw the novel in a drawer and did not take it out again for twelve long years. Finally, friends...
So many symptoms, so few causes
It’s easy to think every part of us is falling to the wayside—this hurts, that aches, something is out of alignment, etc. More realistically, we are experiencing many symptoms from one cause. The challenge is getting to the core issue. I am volunteering with an...
You’re Not Broke
Bones break, and then they mend. Hearts break, and then they get stronger. Souls never break. They have experiences and collect information that informs their ongoing journey. You are whole and complete. Pieces of you may be out of alignment or learning overwhelming...
Regardless of where you stand on the current state of our country, our work remains the same. Be kind. Ram Dass reminds us, “Whether this is the first day of the Apocalypse or the first day of the Golden Age, the work remains the same…to love each other and ease...
Just Breathe
It’s here. November 5th. Election Day. We all hope for the best, and we all fear the worst. It is a tense time for the country. The most important thing we can do is keep calm. Breathe in. Go for a walk. Exhale. Turn off the news. You can decide what to do with the...
Sisterhood connecting as one.
Happy Halloween! Here is an inspiring observation about witches. I wish I could take credit for it, but the least I can do is share it. Wishing you many treats, Mary I THINK IT WAS JUST WOMEN It must have been a terrifying sight to behold, a group of witches gathered...
Don’t edit, just write.
The first rule in writing is to just write. That is why I had to kick AI off my Word program. It was editing me as I wrote, even though I was not yet clear about my direction, much less where to place a comma or accept a better word choice. Editing in real time can be...
Storage Containers
When I store leftovers in a clear glass bowl, they tend to get eaten. When they are in a colored or opaque bowl, they are more likely to go to waste. Apparently, opening all those lids and resecuring them if their contents aren't what you're craving takes too much...
I am on the cutting edge of nothing.
What I think of as a grand and new understanding often leads to what others have known, possibly for thousands of years, latching on to readily available ideas whenever I was ready. Still, whenever that aha moment hits, I feel like proselytizing. Like a newly reformed...
Not a dry eye…
This is me, the groom's mother, and my son, Ben, when the wedding DJ started playing "You Are My Sunshine." Every mom in attendance teared up. Many moms approached me to say that it hit them somewhere deep and meaningful. Who can't relate to signing such a joyous...
The Year of Going Live
In 2020, I “attended” many virtual conferences, spoke on podcasts from afar, conducted phone surveys, and delivered Zoom workshops across the country. Some of the people I met online became friends and clients even though we never met in person. This year, I had the...
My Hollywood Life: Two Weddings and a Funeral
It is often said that two things in life bring out the best and worst in families: weddings and funerals. Our son has just married, our youngest daughter is engaged, and my mother’s memorial service is coming up next month. It seems I have every right to feel a...
Retirement is… not having to run yellow lights
What’s the hurry? Being punctual because that is what you value? Missing one minute of a meeting? Five minutes late picking up the kids? I cringe when I think of all the times I ran through a changing light feeling victorious. What was on the other side of that...
The Gift of Clear Communication
One of the best gifts Mom gave her children was certain knowledge of what she did and did not want as she grew older. Mom was clear: Never let me live with you; it's too hard on families. Take my car keys when I am a threat to others. I won’t like it. Do it anyway. No...
What’s your story?
We all have stories about what happened to us, who our personal heroes are, and, of course, who the villains are. As the runt of the litter in a borderline neighborhood, I was a tough kid in many ways (mostly with my sassy mouth since my physical stature was less than...
Heart is Where the Home Is
Over the past few weeks, I have dreamed almost nightly of going to every place my mother ever lived, looking for her, only to remember she doesn’t live there anymore. I know it is my subconscious expressing my sense of losing home when I lost Mom. It wasn’t where she...
Brace Yourself!?
Brace yourself! Here it comes... Bracing yourself does little to prevent whatever it is and can offer harmful resistance. It's good to brace our abs when exercising and our backs when lifting. But should we brace ourselves against all impacts? In tornados, rooftops...
Final Lessons
Even in our final days, we may have one final lesson to learn. For Mom, it’s acceptance. How can we know when it is time to accept something and when there is still time to change things for a different outcome? Hint: when your 92-year-old body no longer works, and...
Happy Interdependence Day
As a kid, I couldn't wait to be "free!" I am still waiting. I thought being free meant no responsibilities, no rules, could set my own curfew. It turns out there is no such thing as freedom. Yes, I can set my own curfew, but at this stage in my life, I am usually home...
“Oh, Shit!”
- Sr. Benedict, fifth-grade teacher Salvation is found in the darnedest places, at the darnedest times. And, often, when you didn’t even know you needed it. Growing up in Catholic schools for twelve years, we heard an awful lot about things that can damage our...
messages of support
Thank you for all the many messages of support. It warms my heart. At the risk of you clicking off, I have one more observation to share with you. Mom is firmly in the first stage of grief (denial.) She believes she is going to get better. At the risk of being a buzz...
Madame Butterfly and The Soul
Last night, as Mom lay in her hospice bed, seemingly asleep but aware of everything, I played her favorite opera arias. Her face instantly relaxed, and the corners of her mouth turned slightly upward. Soon, she was lightly snoring and drifting, no doubt to the...
Graceful Exits
It’s been a rough few weeks having moved my mother into hospice care. We have moved her to varying levels of care four times over the last two years. It is humbling to know that this is the final stop. Not at all what she imagined for herself. When I was growing up,...
Decision Time!
I’ve been struggling with a few things lately, but then I realized that struggle was optional. What I really needed to do was make a choice. Choice A: Decide what I was willing to do about it and dedicate myself to the taskChoice B: Decide I am okay with what is and...
The Grace in Gradually Letting Go
I have talked about the grace of gradually letting go twice in the past week. One friend is dealing with a loved one who often cannot remember her name. Another friend fears she will never have time for herself—and worse yet, isn’t sure she’d know what to do...
“When I catch myself thinking about what could go wrong, I let myself dream about what could go right.”
-PGA Golfer Max Homa When asked about his calm under pressure, this is how Max Homa responded. He learned to take the same thought and turn it around from possible failure to possible success. More than a positive affirmation, Max expressed the ability to dream of...
Years ago, I facilitated a board retreat. The organization's objective was to revisit the vision and mission statement. It was a group of women scientists whose purpose was to support other women scientists. Many in the group struggled to be heard and taken seriously...
Beware The Truth
I had an interesting conversation the other day with someone very anxious to spread The Truth about what is happening in the world. It is not pretty, and he believes we all must be aware or face great harm. Interestingly, he and I have read some of the same works,...
Changing the Conversation
In the past month, I have had the privilege of joining two podcasts. I have participated in both podcasts on professional topics before.What was so refreshing is that neither of the podcast hosts know each other or even live in the same part of the country, yet each...
“I’m No Quitter.”
“I’m no quitter” seems a silly thing to say. I embrace quitting when it is time to let go. I am never married to an imperative that no longer serves me. The thought that “I’m no quitter” challenges me to hang on to something that no longer serves me without care for...
Mistaking the Silence for Unanswered Prayers
Silence can be deafening. Silence can often be mistaken for no one listening, no one seeing, no one caring. Yet, silence is often where the magic happens. It is when your angels are busy putting the things you requested on your path. You did remember to ask, right?...
Toenail Polish and Other Annoying Distractions
For St. Patrick’s Day, I had my toenails lacquered kelly green. It’s not my color. I don’t like it on my toes. I would not wear that color sweater, so why did I put it on my toes? You say, “Relax, Mary. It’s only your toes.” I know! But hey, I look at them a...
Always Trust Your Cape
Enjoy with the sound just right. You’re welcome. Mary
Breaking Generational Patterns with a Hug
Generational patterns of unexpressed emotions can be devastating. It’s hard to trust and to lean into another if your childhood has taught you that it is unwise. Sometimes, it can be a matter of giving others some of what you craved as a child. If what you wished from...
Nesting dolls always fascinate me
Those festively painted stacking dolls always fascinate. They start with a reasonable size doll that twists in half and reveals a smaller version, which then twists in half and continues for another three or four twists until you find a very tiny version of the larger...
Why Have A Psychic Reading?
Here are just some of the responses I have heard from my clients. “I feel so relieved!” “It was so good to hear what I had suspected.” ...
How to Prepare for a Psychic Mediumship Reading
This message is long overdue on my part. It is something I know but have not shared and may help you feel prepared should you consider having a reading. Before I begin, let me clarify what a psychic mediumship reading is and is not. A reading is: An implicit...
How to Create Your Own Poltergeist
The movies and horror stories show poltergeists as ghosts that invade your space and scare the daylight out of you. It's true, they are scary. But unlike in the movies, they don't invade our lives. It's more that we create our poltergeist all on our own. The...
Gaining Perspective
My brothers and I discuss our mother thinking we have the bigger picture. My brothers and I discuss our mother-thinking we have the bigger picture. We do, and we don’t. Our lens extends out further than hers. We can see more of what’s happening, cause and effect. Mom...
Sweet Relief
My 91-year-old mother gave us all a scare last week. She’s doing better but oh so frail. I hopped on a plane to be with her. Finally seeing her brought such sweet relief. I fear that she will someday pass, and I won’t be with her. Of course, it is nothing I can...
Altruism is a fallacy.
I don't like it when the motivation for donors and volunteers is listed as altruism. I just don't buy it. Why would anyone do something that doesn't benefit them in some way? Giving away your precious resources of time, talent, and treasures should feed something you...
“What the actual f**k!”
“What the actual f**k!” This is a quote from a recent reader who read my book, Being Woo Woo in an Engineered World. And that was only one I’d received lately. The book outlines my journey into my first conscious awakening to my intuition and subsequent psychic...
Opportunity’s Knocking
Opportunity. That’s my word for 2024. I am spending this next year seeking and acknowledging opportunities to grow my soul, spiritual practice, and psychic mediumship business. Grace was almost my word for the year, but I realized it was the Opportunity to experience...
Holiday Cards are Optional
About 25 years ago, I decided to stop sending Christmas cards. What a relief! Of all the things on my plate at that time – work, kids, house, shopping, wrapping, shipping, etc. – holiday cards became optional. Once the decision was made, it was so easy to let go. I...
A Square Route to Accomplishments
My sister-in-law sent me the best-ever early Christmas present! An advent puzzle! When I first looked at the picture, 1000 pieces to compile a very busy holiday scene, I thought, “I’m never going to finish this. And, who has time for this?!” Then I opened the box and...
Creating New Cues to Gain Your Bearings
You’re not going to believe this, especially if you’re in the Pacific Northwest, but constant sunshine can make you lose your bearings. December 1 will be one full year of living in the beautiful Nevada desert. One complete cycle of sunshine. Yes, we have bad weather,...
“Roots Hold Me Close, Wings Set Me Free”
-Spirit of Life This week, I was ready to announce my co-ownership in a metaphysical store. I was very excited, but sadly, and for several reasons, it was not to be. That sense of having a place to go, to be discovered, to convene was filled with hope and excitement....
Smile Power 😊
When I was a little girl, my mother worked in a nursing home as the head nurse on the third floor. She cared deeply for her patients and went the extra mile to ensure they felt seen and heard. I remember her bringing me to work to visit the residents with few or no...
Do Agnostics Go to Heaven?
There is no reason to fear for the repose of a departed loved one’s soul. Some fear that a departed loved one might not be at peace because they were agnostic or non-practiced in a specific dogma. Such a misunderstanding of the afterlife! As a traveler into the...
“I want to, but I’m afraid.”
When I tell people what I do they often express fear.They are curious yet afraid of what they might hear. And it makes me sad. You have nothing to fear from Spirit.There is no judgment, no shame, no punishment. We do that to ourselves without any outside help. When I...
Illness is Stuck Energy
Whatever happens to you on one level happens on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. When you are sick, you are in a state of dis-ease. Where you are sick tells you more specifically what is impacting you. For example, pneumonia happens in the...
finding home
A few weeks ago, I talked about settling in. This week, I want to take it one step further. If home is where the heart is, following my passions can only lead to feeling at home because the heart is all about one’s passions. Feeling at home means feeling...
ReInventing Mary
Every few years, I shift the focus of my business. This is one of those years. Now that I’m of retirement age, I love that I can pick and choose how I want to spend my time and be of service to others. It is with great pride and pleasure that I have zoomed in on the...
Settling In
Getting settled in a new town is especially challenging when there are no office mates or school-aged children to bring you into the core of things. So, what did I do? I followed my passions! I visited a crystal shop and found a new business just next door,...
Finally, a day in my home alone!
I was looking forward to this uninterrupted time to think, write, and be more productive than I have been in a long while. To that end, I have won three straight backgammon games against the computer. Keeping myself on task always seems like such a struggle. Of...
My Magic Mushroom Trip
I am late to the party.While a child of the ’60s and ’70s, other than a little pot now and then, I was not really into drugs. I feel lucky that I was not so stressed that I wanted to escape my life and lucky that I was usually too broke to get into too much...
Can you see the stars?
“But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you see the stars." Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is so hard to remember to look up when you are feeling down. Some...
Read a great article in the NY Times about 35 simple things to do for better overall health. My favorite is "If something feels too hard to do, it just means that the first step isn’t small enough.” Like trying to cross a river in one leap. It can apply to...
When Not to Be of Service
I am near completion of part two of my shamanic death doula training. Similar to a birthing doula who helps bring babies into this world, a death doula assists those leaving this life to find comfort and ease with their soul’s passing. Much of what I am learning...
The words are flowing!
So many excellent responses from last week’s missive about choosing your word for 2025. Thank you! My word is flow. Others chose peace, no drama, f*ck no, simplify, commit, and pivot. Now comes the tricky part: remembering to consult your word for daily guidance for...
Moving to a new city and state two years ago, I first wanted to connect. Last year, I looked for opportunity. For the coming year, my word is flow: find it, stay in it, go with it. That means I must surround myself with the word (think post-its) and pay attention to...
Yes sir, that’s my baby…
In hypnotherapy, there is a point where the client is encouraged to find a gift waiting for them that will support them on their journey. Every client finds it, and it is rarely what you would expect: a rock, cane, flashlight, candle, tree, butterfly, grandmother's...
Be Gentle with Yourself
The sweets, the drinks, the spending—it's all part of the holiday season, equal parts fun and temptation. If you’re working to avoid some of these things, it may be helpful to note that willpower is a sure route to failure. Willpower requires a constant focus on doing...
Holidays: Prevent a Season of Disappointment
The holidays are upon us, the prime season for disappointment from unmet expectations. Didn't get the gift you hoped for? Didn’t get the reaction you imagined for a gift you gave? This second one is sometimes the hardest for me. I have learned that what I want to give...
It’s that time of year again….
It’s Thanksgiving, the official kick-off to the holiday season. It can be joyful, worrisome, or overwhelming. You get to decide. Just remember that perfectionism and struggle are optional. It all depends on where you put your focus. Here are a few survival tips for...
Breaking and Healing
I can't help but notice these days that physically, I break more readily and heal more slowly. As I continue to age, that trend will continue. Emotionally, however, that’s another thing. I break less readily and heal more quickly because I know that whatever happens,...
Clean up this mess!
What does it mean to clean things up? In a personal mess, one finds the system that works well for them—how to organize their files, desks, even their closets. When it's your mess, you can see how things got the way they are and what needs to happen to make it better....
What if, just for today…
My friends and I often talk about how much weight we need to lose, what we once were like, and what we were once able to do. It leaves me feeling less than whole. It's as if I've declined in ways I didn't want to and might never return. What if, just for today, you...
It’s Labor Day! Throw yourself a Parade!
Labor Day originated in the labor union movement, which advocated for better working conditions, fair wages, and improved labor laws during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The holiday demands that hard work be recognized as the asset that it is. It reminds me...
It’s easier to hold yourself down that it is to make progress. – Ally Love
When you are frightened by a challenge, your ego is your best friend. It encourages you to stay stuck. It sends out all kinds of warning flares such as “better not. You might fail.” Or “You’ve got it good right where you are. Why stir things up?” Or “People aren’t...
Been noticing lately that everywhere I go, there is music playing, often loudly. My husband noted that on the golf course, more and more personal carts are tricked out with Wi-Fi sound bars. The golf course! Are we going the way of Rodney Dangerfield? It is especilly...
An Emerging Chakra: The Oversoul
Ever heard of The Oversoul? I discovered it when studying the transpersonal chakras. I had heard of it before but only recently delved into it. Last week, I discussed the Akashic Library, a Spiritual collection of all past, present, and future thoughts,...
Permanent Records and the Akashic
I always thought that the permanent record idea was made up by the nuns, designed to keep us all in line by reminding us that God is always watching and knows what we’re up to. A Big Brother state invented by nuns. It had a lot of connotations of guilt and shame...
When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Will Appear
Truer words were never spoken. I have had a crash course in the transpersonal chakras, which I have shared in my last five posts. In short, they take us from engaging with the deepest and most profound Earth energies all the way to the Divine. As if to further my...
Beyond the Seven Main Chakras: The Divine Gateway
The exact number of chakras varies depending on who you talk to. They are along our spines, in our hands and feet, between our heart and throat chakras, along various meridians. The most commonly discussed are the seven main chakras. For the past four weeks, I...
Beyond the Seven Main Chakras: The Universal Gateway
The more enlightened I feel, the more I find the wisdom deep from within. Lifting my third eye to the heavens brings me back to some mysterious place inside and, on occasion, familiar. That is the Universal Gateway. I have struggled to fully appreciate this...
Beyond the Seven Main Chakras: The Stellar Gateway
All the recent revelations about aliens in the news seem funny to me. Aliens on Earth are nothing new. Ask any pilot, astronaut, or nighttime truck driver. They have seen them and been unable to talk about it—the few who do often receive ridicule. Beyond witnessing...
Beyond the Seven Main Chakras: Soul Star
This week, I continue to share what I am learning about the transpersonal (external) chakras, those that align with the seven main chakras and are located outside the physical body. Learning about the seven main chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat,...
Beyond the 7 Main Chakras: Ground Zero
Lately, I've been curious about the other chakras. The transpersonal chakras located outside of our bodies and flow through our core, connecting us beyond our bodies' wisdom.In my book, I talk extensively about the seven main chakras that run from the...
I’m Back!…
If ever I wondered whether anyone reads my emails, I no longer do. Thank you to everyone who asked me where I've been and whether I will return soon. It touched me deeply. I was just out of gas and going in directions that weren't true to me. At one point, I started...
What Does It Mean to be Woke?
I want to believe I am woke, but I know I’m not. At best, I am waking. I am a “Karen” trying hard to understand others lived experiences. I prefer to say that I am waking. It acknowledges my intentions while also acknowledging that I – any of us – will ever...
I have to be honest with you. I’m not just feeling it today. I sat down to write my weekly blog post, and everything felt forced. It’s been a great week, especially celebrating my birthday with so many new friends and a few family members. There’s nothing to complain...
I see you.
I’m starting to hear this everywhere. “I see you.” Its very simplicity is powerful. It wasn’t that long ago that I felt invisible. Not because I was ignored but because so many people were confused or uncomfortable with who I was becoming. Rather than lean...
Things NOT in the Brochure
Mark and I love our new home… for the most part. It is everything we wanted… and a wee bit more. It's not what was said that gives me pause. It's what wasn't said. Things not in the brochure include things like recurring 40-mile-per-hour wind gusts that send...
Opening Day = Hope
I am writing this on Opening Day for major league baseball. Every year, my hopes are HIGH that the Mariners will go ALL THE WAY! That feeling of hope and possibility greatly boosts my psyche, ushering in the promise of sunshine, warmth, and...
Why is it that things have to get worse before they get better?
Is it mandatory for things to get worse before they get better? Like all hypothetical questions, the answer is "it depends." For example, if you want to clean a closet, you must haul out all the junk that has been gathering for years. What was taking up a few shelves...
“We make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” -Carlos Castaneda
My aunt loved to be miserable. The world was a dangerous place filled with potholes that could trip you up at every turn. Some sure-fire ways to stay miserable are to recall every slight regularly, take every red light as a personal offense, decide what others who do...
Ted Lasso is a Gift to My Soul
I hope you have had the opportunity to watch Ted Lasso. It is the story of a US football coach down on his luck who is recruited to coach a football team in England. The twist is twofold: Lasso doesn’t know a thing about “soccer” which is good because he gets hired...
Learning and Integrating
I am enjoying a course I’ve been taking for the past month—lots of new things to learn and old things to relearn. The course is about learning to observe subtle changes and how to integrate them into every area of my life. The integration is where I sometimes get...
The Best Laid Plans…
Lately, I have had several conversations with different people experiencing extreme disappointment.I get it. I’ve experienced disappointment, too. What I’ve learned is that it results from unmet expectations.That’s when the shoulds and oughts surface. ...
“I’m talking to myself. Please don’t interrupt.”
-Me My husband is constantly interrupting me. He is under the misguided impression that if I'm talking, I must be trying to communicate with him. Sometimes that is true. But only sometimes. Not usually. Okay, most of my day, I am talking to myself. It is not my goal...
Radical Self Honesty
The other day, I was working on defining my intentions for a class I am taking. I wrote it without going through the recommended process. Then I read the recommended process and followed it. I soon realized my intention was superficial, like believing I looked like...
And on that note….
We recently purchased a new washer and dryer. Maybe not be the most exciting purchase, but they look modern and perform well. There’s an added benefit I hadn’t anticipated. They play a happy little tune when the washer or dryer has completed a cycle. Our old machines...
“There are none so blind as those who will not see.” – Mabel Cappellino
I’m sure my grandmother didn’t coin this phrase, “There are none so blind…” but she was my introduction to it. And she sure had a way of using it to make a point. She would say it while cleaning my brother’s glasses or listening to the six o’clock news. There are none...
The Garbage Truck is Coming
I had a few responses to last week’s posting about “the time is now” to work toward your dream.One woman reader replied, “But the question is how to move towards what we want or feel we need without being (or being perceived as being) selfish.”It is a fair question...
Selfishness: That Old Saw
I had a few responses to last week’s posting about “the time is now” to work toward your dream.One woman reader replied, “But the question is how to move towards what we want or feel we need without being (or being perceived as being) selfish.”It is a fair question...
The Time is Now
Whatever you think you want to do, whatever you believe is your higher calling, the time to act is now.My clients have shared a million reasons why they must wait. It almost always involves accommodating others. This is a notion I challenge by suggesting all the...
A Tale of Two Cats
I recently heard an interesting story about two cats.The first cat was kind, loving, and the picture of domestic pethood. She loved being a part of the home and gave as much love as she received.The second cat, introduced into the household several years later as part...
What are new year goals without reflection?
Yes, we need to set goals and lay out some plans for the coming year. Not necessarily resolutions, but some focus is always helpful.It helps, too, to reflect on the year’s end. More than how you did against goals, reflecting can reveal some lessons you didn’t know you...
Waiting for the Pod to Arrive
Wishing you a very merry holiday season! 2022 was filled with sad goodbyes and new beginnings. 2023 holds so many wonderful possibilities and I am grateful for the opportunity to share them with you. Our big move to another state was overall very successful. Yet like...
In Times of Change, You Need an Anchor
Even the most exciting, planned-for, anticipated transitions are hard. We have been planning our move from Washington to Nevada for almost a year. Last week, the day finally came. And now, I find myself needing a system for even the simplest tasks. It will take time....
Boundaries are sexy! – Robin Arzon –
The best part about boundaries is that they tell me who my people are and who they are not.If someone has boundaries that I don’t appreciate, it is a sure sign that they know their limits. How great is that?It is not my job to like them, only to respect them. If their...
Personally, I am a Phillies fan. Regardless…
Personally, I am a Phillies fan. Regardless, I love stories like this. During the 2020 baseball shutdown, Cristian Javier was playing in a field in the Dominican Republic, to keep building on his skills and never letting his dream fade. COVID provided no excuses....
Details! Details! Details!
My Myers Briggs confirms that details are not my strong suit. I love the big picture, happy to delegate the rest. As we prepare to move to Nevada, there is so much planning before, during, and after, from packing and unpacking to finding a doctor to finding a decent...
Change is in the air!
Change is coming in a big way! We have sold our home of 23 years, a bittersweet celebration. We love our home, but it is too much space for two people — time for another young family to enjoy. As we say goodbye, I am filled with gratitude for what was, what is, and...
You must surrender to where you are in order to move forward.
I first heard this idea of surrendering to make progress during a workout. I could not merely will myself to get to the next level without injury unless I surrendered to my current fitness level. I want to use the 25lb weights yet the 12lb weights are still a...
The path to success is not a straight line.
When starting my career, I felt with every promotion that I was indeed on my way up, up, up. It was a fabulous feeling. Then the inevitable happened. The path became curved, forked, and at times dipped below where I thought it would lead. I felt like a failure. I...
A dream without a plan is a distraction. A plan without a clear goal is busy work.
Where do you put your two most precious resources of time and money? Starting any plan with a clear dream or vision provides valuable information for directing your resources for the best possible outcomes.A vision isn't set in lead. It can have flexibility or change...
What does it really mean to “trust your gut?”
Everyone has heard about the importance of doing a gut check when deciding. There’s a reason for this. The number of nerves is unparalleled anywhere else in the body, so much so it is called the “second brain.” It contains up to five times as many neurons as the...
Are You Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic?
Are you trying to make the best of a bad situation by ignoring what’s really happening and acting as if the little changes will make the situation different? I worked with an organization that signified to the outside world it had lost its sense of direction by...
We All Take a Village
When you’re in the midst of a crisis, it’s nearly impossible to summons common sense. Some crises pop up in a moment while some are a long slog deeper into a bad situation. When I was eight months pregnant, I developed placenta previa, a condition that can kill both...
It is what it is.
What does this expression mean to you: It is what it is? I have always interpreted it as a rather healthy response to accepting a situation, but lately, I have found people using it as an excuse. Sometimes, "it" is the wise acceptance of a circumstance you cannot...
When NOT to Overthink
If you are responsible for launching humans into outer space, then please think as much as humanly possible about what will make this endeavor successful. Think, think, and think some more. If, however, you are in the middle of a crisis, please spend less time...
What’s Your Control Drama?
In The Celestine Prophecy, James Redfield outlines the four control dramas: The IntimidatorThe InterrogatorThe AloofThe Woe is Me Whatever your control drama is, you no doubt learned it early on in life, and it’s still your first response under stress. The names...
If Only I Had More Caffeine…
...Or more protein powder in my shake, or more of something external to enhance my slow performance on my Peloton bike. Then I heard myself. I was looking for an external fix to something that meant today I would be a little slower and perform at a different pace, in...
Cancel Your Subscription to Other People’s Issues
You are not responsible for others’ issues unless you agree to it. I have a client making huge decisions about the care of a loved one. This person is barraged by another family member’s opinions and outright anger even though they do not...
Believe in Overnight Sensations?
You and I know there's no such thing as an overnight sensation, right? There are the occasional flashes in the pan, but a true “sensation” is discovered after much trial and error, sweat and toil, and downright persistence on the part of the individual. The good news...
Slow Your Roll
Driving a familiar route can give a sense of knowing an area. After all, you see it all the time.Strange, though, how you notice new things when you walk the same route. People and places you’ve only driven by take on more details and distinguishing features.That’s...
Efficient or Effective?
How often is the success of our work judged by being efficient? It is scheduled, measurable, and productive. Perpetual momentum. Effective, however, is challenging to schedule. It requires time for relationships, collaborations, and thoughtful consideration of...
What does it mean to celebrate independence?
The American spirit of independence is deeply ingrained in our society. We take it to mean that as adults, we can pay our way in life. We call all the shots. Lately, I’ve heard independence and freedom used interchangeably, but there is a difference. None of us are...
Childhood trauma can affect your success today.
My heart breaks every time I work with a client who experienced childhood trauma. Forever, they wonder how they could have prevented some of the most upsetting and violent things from happening. You couldn’t. That sense of powerlessness follows you and makes you...
Want Optimal Performance? Try Cleaning the Air Filter.
We had a fun getaway last week. Mark and I stayed at a resort in Palm Desert. It wasn't a high-end place but good enough for getting away from Seattle's unceasing rain. It was such a relief that we didn't even mind too much that temperatures were 15 degrees above...
Need More Signs?
I was entering the expressway the other day and the first thing I saw was a sign that warned, “rough road.” I chuckled, wondering how helpful it would be if life would more boldly label what’s ahead from time to time. “Smooth Sailing Ahead”“Next Exit for...
Excitement for the New. Gratitude for What’s Not.
The house painters arrived. Their job is to return our home to neutral colors allowing prospective buyers to envision themselves living there. Their job is to erase us. Our bedroom is/was red with gold and black accents. We loved it. We don’t count anymore. As the...
The Married Widow
The married widow. It’s not a typo nor an oxymoron. My friend and I have an ironic take on her situation. She is married to someone with Alzheimer’s disease. She is both married and alone all at the same time. Her husband now resides in memory care much to her relief...
I was a mean girl
I didn’t know it at the time. I thought I was funny. But I wasn’t. I was mean. I want to take a moment to apologize to my teenage friends, Cindy, Amy, Sue, et al., for the times I was an absolute ass. I had a wicked smart tongue. The thing I’ve learned about being...
“Are you distracted by the future?
As my husband and I prepare our house for market, I keep receiving these wake-up calls that I still need to pay attention to this place as if we still lived here – because we do! Damn, I still need to clean the bathroom, pay the bills and participate in daily living....
“Should I Stay or Should I Go?” – The Clash
I recently spoke with a client who had a rough year. He felt like walking away from a challenging situation, not of his making but still landing in his lap. Yet, something told him that there was valuable learning here and to hang in there a bit longer. He was glad he...
“As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was about to happen.” – Winnie the Pooh
That is precisely how I feel when I begin with a new client – that an adventure is about to happen. When working with me, your adventure will include what can sometimes feel like scary introspection followed by positive, life-changing outcomes. Barriers indeed serve...
External Validation is for Parking
Buddha teaches us that when we rely on others’ approval, we give away our personal power. Whenever we feel that need for our spouse, boss, children, or parents to validate us, we instantly hand over our power, waiting for their decision on our self-worth. We tend to...
The Art of Detangling
How do you tackle a gnarly situation? My husband and I have an ongoing (friendly) discussion about how to release a snarl, a tangle, whether it is in my hair, a muscle spasm, or a necklace chain. His approach is to go right to the center and wrestle with the knot,...
Every Decision Moves You Closer to or Further from Your Goal
Reading The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson was a game-changer for me. Here is the bottom line: Every Decision Moves You Closer to or Further from Your Goal If your goal is to save money, going out to lunch every day takes away from that...
“First the Challenge, Then the Change”
Every so often, I find some of the most quotable quotes from the Peloton instructors who encourage me through such crazy workouts as a 30-minute Tabata, huge stationary bike climbs, and strength training. True, it is voluntary, so I could just not participate. But...
What’s the difference between being intuitive and being psychic?
In some ways, intuition and psychic abilities are closely related. Being psychic means divining messages about others and situations.Being intuitive is listening to the messages that lie in that space of the still small voice within. Some people are psychic but not...
Learn To Be More Selfish
I was at a psychic fair offering readings this past weekend. It was amazing how many of the people I read for needed two very similar messages: Draw good boundariesBe more selfish When both of these are ignored, victims are created. Those are the people who can’t move...
Creating a Safe Space
There’s a fun exercise used in hypnotherapy to provide clarity and calm. It’s called creating a safe space and here’s how it works. This space is of your own creation and lives in your mind and heart. It can be real or imaginary, perhaps someplace you know or...
Here are five things we can all do to counteract this war in Europe.
You and I cannot solve this problem, BUT we can make a difference. Here are some thoughts about how. Demonstrate compassion toward each other. Acts of kindness matter. The collective energy we put out into the world plays a role in spreading hope.Demonstrate...
The Olive Oyl Perspective
I always laughed at Olive Oyl, Popeye’s sweetheart and Swee’Pea’s mom. Olive Oyl walked blindly along busy streets, ignoring the danger, accidentally riding to the tops of elevators on dangerous construction sites, and gently landing back on the sidewalk thanks to a...
Tradeoffs suck
My husband and I are talking about downsizing and moving to someplace with a lower cost of living.For every location we consider, we find plusses and minuses. I mean, where else do you find the beauty of the Pacific Northwest without the high cost of living?We ask...
The Washington Post printed this article last week, and boy did it call out our society to a T. Bottom line: we Americans put a very high value on being productive over all else. The husband writes to “Dear Carolyn,” a syndicated advice columnist. He is upset that his...
Gosh, I love magic. Do you?
Listening to meditation music, closing my eyes, feeling myself lift. It gives me a new perspective, feeling lighter physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. In this state, all things are possible, calm, and safe. Like magic. I need only to close my eyes and...
The Woo Woo Vs. the Engineer on Systems
My husband, Mark, and I have had go-arounds for the past 34 years about systems, those everyday habits that save time and energy and offset forgetfulness. As an engineer, Mark is driven by systems and organization. It is not a perfect practice on his part, but it is a...
“Hello, Mary? This is life. Write this down…”
Ever get a call out of the blue that says, “I know your week is all planned, you’re feeling productive, but reality has something else in mind for you?” Most of us can recall times like these without much trouble. Fortunately for me, my 2022 guiding words are “Embrace...
What’s the difference between a resolution and an affirmation?
On New Year’s Day, my friend said she never makes resolutions. They are just another opportunity to disappoint herself. Brava! I don't make them either. I suggested that she try affirmations instead and here's the difference. Resolutions tend to be written in the...
The Science Behind Intuition And How You Can Use It To Get Ahead At Work
I love this article! The author and I both work with executives to tap into their intuition with greater understanding, accuracy, and confidence. We understand that your intuition is the single greatest resource designed to serve you. Here are a few highlights Your...
How to Begin Planning for the New Year
At the beginning of every year, I take three steps: I review my vision making updates or changes as needed.This vision is for all of my life, of which my job or career is only a piece.I choose my words to guide me. For 2022, I choose “Embrace the And…”Then, I review...
Choose Your Words Wisely!
If there is one thing I have learned in the past two years, it is to “embrace the and.” That is why I have chosen these simple words to be my guide for 2022. They remind me to remain flexible, agile, open to new possibilities at every turn. What will be your guiding...
Peace on earth…
This is one of my favorite Christmas stories and I want to share it with you. World War I and the Christmas Truce* Starting on Christmas Eve, many German and British troops fighting in World War I sang Christmas carols to each other across the lines, and at certain...
How do you make use of the darker days?
I am convinced that I am solar-powered. And here I find myself living in the Pacific Northwest, where gray flannel skies rule for far too much of the year.Yup, I sleep far too long with these dark days. Being a morning person, it can be quite disruptive. Sans the...
People don’t like free
I’ve come to believe that we want free stuff, but we don’t trust free offers. “What’s the catch?” “No such thing as a free lunch.”Sometimes, free is free.It’s a gift. An opportunity to try something new. An invitation to join.Every other...
The season of giving and receiving is upon us
The season of giving and receiving is upon us. Are you a gracious giver and receiver? To be truly generous and thankful, we must learn to do both, or it is not true generosity. For many, this time of giving thanks is a joyous occasion. For others, it is a little too...
The Secret to Building Cohesive Remote Teams: Empathy
The Predictive Index recently posted their 2021 report on CEO benchmarking, and they talk about what it means to shift to remote teams. The number one result was working well as a team. "51% of CEOs cited “working well remotely” as a top hurdle.Companies may be...
What are you hiding? It’s time to Out Yourself!
It’s time to proudly acknowledge that something about you that makes you truly you. For me, it was outing my intuition and psychic medium talents. Many people didn’t quite know what to do with that, but that’s okay. The ones that did show up almost immediately, and...
Hate what you do? Bored with your job?
I hear this a lot. But I also hear great resistance when I suggest that one work with their passions. “I don’t want what I love to become a job.” Wow! What a way to stay stuck! I have heard this same sentiment from far too many of my clients. Let me try this another...
Yes, but is it true?
How many of us carry damaging stories around we believe to be true?The correct answer is all of us.My latest reminder was with my 89-year-old mother who stopped taking my calls because early this summer I insisted she move to assisted living.It was very upsetting...
Congratulations on your promotion! Now what!?!
Every time I got a promotion, I felt the confidence for all of five minutes before the next level of anxiety set in. The stakes were higher, and even more, people would look to me to make good decisions. “What if I fail?” Can you relate? Some people call it imposter...
What the Heck Does Mercury Retrograde Even Mean?
You’ve heard people throw around the term “mercury retrograde,” and maybe you even know that it means things can go haywire. But what is it really? Simply put, Mercury Retrograde is an optical illusion. A time when Mercury looks as if it is moving backward. Its effect...
Want to shift the energy of a situation? Try sacralizing it.
Some things get overwhelming, and you may or may not know why. A simple or obvious thing becomes bigger or harder to deal with, seemingly more complex the more you try to deal with it. When this happens for you, I recommend “sacralizing” the situation. Let me explain....
“When the terrain differs from the map, trust the terrain.” -Jerry Devill
My husband and I set off on a three-week road trip through the southwest.On two occasions, we have made the risky decision to ignore our GPS and gone a slightly different route. Both times, we were correct in doing so and saved as much as ten to twenty minutes of...
I solve your problems
Actually, I help you solve your problems, and then I help you stop creating more problems. “How,” you say? Most problems come from bad decisions, and problems get in the way of achieving your goals. With my process, I show you how to make better decisions using...
Life at the End of a Yoyo String
There’s one visual that keeps coming to mind when I think about this year so far. A yoyo. More specifically, what it means to be at the end of the string. Some things have taken me by surprise, while other things didn’t go as I had hoped. This whole year has felt like...
Not Unique Enough? Someone Else Already Doing That?
Ever found yourself thinking you’re not original or unique enough? A client explained that every time he thought of something he really wanted to do, someone else had already thought of it, so he couldn’t do it. That is when I shared with him this secret that I...
What decisions are you putting off?
“Decision is the spark that ignites action. Until a decision is made, nothing happens.... Decision is the courageous facing of issues, knowing that if they are not faced, problems will remain forever unanswered.” Wilferd Peterson What decisions are you putting off? ...
Do you makeup Heart-full or Head-full decisions?
Do you find that you lean more toward heart or head when making decisions. With a child you might lean more towards heart but at work more towards head but let’s think about that.A heart-full decision is guided by how a decision makes you feel be it good or scared or...
How do you end a tug of war? You drop the rope.
The past few months, it has been a struggle for my elderly mother to accept that she needs assisted living to stay safe. She’s not having any of it. Every day she is combative and adamant and all kinds of cranky. It has been exhausting and sad. Being my mother’s...
What is that one conversation you’re avoiding?
“By definition, the courageous conversation is the one you’re not having now. By definition, the courageous conversation is the one you don’t want to have, and by definition is the one you hope isn’t true, and there’s another one you can have in its stead.” - David...
Five Ways to Get Unstuck
This week I had the pleasure of talking with nonprofit executives from across the country on The American Nonprofit Show. We talked about how to get “unstuck,” something so many of my clients ask for help with. (You can listen to the broadcast...
The Power of the Present Moment
Last week, my mother approached the reality of leaving her longtime home for assisted living the way the prisoner steps around the puddle on the way to the guillotine. She was still in her home, still alive, still living in the now. A few days before the move, Mom...
The Era of Mass Resignation
I heard an employment expert say that COVID ushered in “The Era of Mass Resignation.” Working from home, people got in touch with work-life balance in a whole new way. Many realized that work was not the most important thing in their life. Maybe, after removing all...
Some “Winning Strategies” are a Sure-Fire Way to Fail
My mom is a master of strategy. It has served her well in most areas of her life. Until now. Not wanting to move to assisted living, mom devised what she felt was a winning strategy that required everyone else to change their situation to help care for her at home so...
Did you know that women’s heart attacks have different symptoms than men’s?
Below is a link to a great article about biases when diagnosing women's health. It makes the case that what medicine accepts as "normal" is often based on symptoms as would likely be displayed by a trim white male.This doesn’t just happen in medicine. Sometimes we...
Belief is the code that programs the mind
I read in a horoscope today. I won’t tell which sign it was attributed to because, well, that’s not the point. The point is that it is a good reminder for all of us. Here it is: “Belief is the code that programs the mind. Once a thing is believed, the perceived world...
Managing New Realities and Setting Expectations
Sometimes, things happen in our lives that are beyond our control. The loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, breakups, injury. All sorts of things. The adjustment period can be very long and difficult depending on the level of trauma and our willingness to work...
Have you hit a barrier in your career or personal life?Sometimes barriers are big walls that are hard to see your way over or around. Other times they are so small and yet they pose the same level of threat.I had a client who went through life always feeling like he...
From Bottom Line to Forward Momentum
When the Boeing 737-max crashed, they took much of Boeing with them. They also took their long-standing reputation for building with integrity and safety as leading values. Boeing is the clearest demonstration of the downside of the ROI-based approach to business....
Here a coach, there a coach, everywhere a coach coach!
Coach overload? Me, too.
But what else could I call my strategy and skill-building sessions with executives and leaders about improved decision-making processes?
While I still consult and facilitate and offer nonprofit and individual services, I also coach executives from all sectors about the role and value of intuition in the workplace.
I love this article, from the February 2021 FastCo magazine. While the word intuition is never used, it is indeed a great demonstration of what it means to stop, observe the bigger picture, allow for greater input, and then move forward.
In this article Todd McKinnon, CEO of Okta, shares five approaches to decision making. You may say, “I already do that,” to which I say, “bravo!” For others it may sound like the luxury of time to which I say, “you cannot afford the time loss resulting from a bad decision.”
If you would like some coaching on making the best decisions possible, I’m here for you.
Good news! You don't need to sit in the quiet for an hour to access your intuition. Here are three quick tips for getting in touch with your intuition:3 Breath 2 Notice 1 FeelWhen you stop to take a breath, you bring much-needed oxygen to the thought process....
Bah humbug!
Yeah, I know. We’re all expecting lots of “happy” this and “merry” that. Some days just don’t align with that feeling. Except for last night. Last night my husband and I built a gingerbread house together. It didn’t take long and it didn’t look like the picture on the...
2020: The Year of Clear Vision???
2020: The Year of Clear Vision??? 2020 was heralded as the year of Clear Vision. Yet, some are saying 2020’s vision was murky at best. But is that true? Maybe we just did not like what we saw or feel overwhelmed by what we see and unable to sort it all, or...
What Successful Leaders Know: Intuition is not Woo Woo
What Successful Leaders Know: Intuition is not Woo Woo By Mary F Gleason Leadership development courses are evolving to include intuition as a critical factor in successful leadership. Intuition in the workplace is not an entirely new concept, yet with enormous...
Ignore your intuition at your own peril.
Ignore your intuition at your own peril. Intuition shows up most readily for us through our chakras, the seven main energy bodies, or "satellite dishes" that run along the spine. Like a satellite dish, your chakras are continually receiving and...
Be bold. Be intuitive. Shine bright.
I’ve been hiding my light under a bushel basket.As much as I spend my time encouraging others to step into who they truly are and embrace it, I still sometimes hold myself back. That’s what happens when we let ego take over -- it wants to keep us safe by keeping us...
Why is an Organizational Vision So Important?
How many hearts and minds across the country and around the world would Martin Luther King, Jr. have captured if he proclaimed, “I have a plan!” 😴 No! Instead, he offered people a dream 😍 of what could be better and engaged them in realizing that dream. He spoke of...
From Perfect to Authentic in One Minute and Fifty-Three Seconds
A few weeks ago, I grabbed my phone,🤳 went outside, hit “record” and shared a brief tip for those of us who were feeling socially disconnected because of the quarantine restrictions. The message was simple – when you cannot be with others, connect with Mother Nature....
What Walls Need Your Attention?
This led to an internal conversation about what walls am I putting up? What uncomfortable truths am I hiding from?
The Most Unexpected Place Executives Find Essential Information
As an Executive, you know that making decisions that affect so many important things is a huge responsibility! “If only I could be sure…. “ 📏📊📉 Well, there are no guarantees in this world but there are ways we can add to the obvious and copious amounts of data: A gut...
Here’s Why a Little Bit of Woo Woo at Work is a Good Thing
We live in data overload! There are numbers, charts, estimates, and comparisons of budget to actuals in need of your constant attention. And still, with all of this data, very intelligent executives sometimes make bad decisions. In order to move forward, your team,...