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Permanent Records and the Akashic

by | Aug 6, 2023 | Executive Intuition Coaching

I always thought that the permanent record idea was made up by the nuns, designed to keep us all in line by reminding us that God is always watching and knows what we’re up to. A Big Brother state invented by nuns. It had a lot of connotations of guilt and shame attached and for a while (maybe until second or third grade) it worked.

Turns out, there really is a permanent record but not for the same threatening purposes. It’s called the Akashic record, and it is maintained in the Akashic Library of all our lifetimes, lessons, and enlightenment. The Library also contains a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human.

There are ways to visit your Akashic record and find information you may have forgotten, to give new perspective to current events, and to explore the possibilities that are hard to see at the conscious level. However, it is not for beginners. Visiting the Akashic with low vibrations, such as guilt and shame, can sometimes only intensify the negativity of witnessing an event. The record is not there for judgment but rather further enlightenment. To glean information you are not ready for can be overwhelming and misused.

When accessing the records, which I’ll get to in a moment, you’ll want to remember a few things.

First, you can only access information about your own soul. You might learn about how another’s soul interacts with your life, but that is not the same as accessing their records. It is all about you.

Second, focus. Get specific about what you most want to know. You can use this access for understanding relationships, furthering business, stimulating creativity, etc. As with my hypnotherapy clients, some of whom have ventured to the Akashic, you will be shown the only most relevant information.

Third, applying the information requires very careful consideration. It is important to remember that there are no victims, only lessons to be learned. There is no right or wrong, only your path. There is no righteousness, only some validation for a moment.

If you think you are ready, then you can begin your meditation to visit this library. First, write down your question and be as specific as possible. You’ll want to find a safe, comfortable space to relax and begin your breathwork into an altered state. Ask permission to be shown to the Akashic Library. Permission may be denied if Spirit thinks you are not ready. This is not a failure, only an indication that you need more work to appreciate the information contained here.

Let me know if I can help.
