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Beware The Truth

by | Apr 16, 2024 | Executive Intuition Coaching

I had an interesting conversation the other day with someone very anxious to spread The Truth about what is happening in the world. It is not pretty, and he believes we all must be aware or face great harm.

Interestingly, he and I have read some of the same works, viewed some of the same movies, and came away with very different interpretations. Now, for all I know, his truth may be true, and I will thoughtfully consider what he has offered.

I do believe we find what we seek.

If you are looking for reasons to fear and draw lines in the sand, then you will find it. If you, like me, are looking for how good things are, you will find that, too.

Now, this person believes he has found The Truth and lives it daily. I prefer to think of truth as fleeting, expanding, and constantly open to reconsideration. When I get new information, I must consider the possibility of its truth. Still, I am under no obligation to accept it.

You are also not obligated to accept what may not be true for you.

One of the many gifts my mom gave me was to question everything, “even the Bible. Come to your own conclusions. Think for yourself. You will know when something feels right.” She was right.

The fear this other person feels may be true, and when confronted with that same reality, I, too, will be afraid. In the meantime, I will choose love and hope. I can be quite cynical when I need to be, but I gave that up as a dominant way of life, and my health and outlook improved.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by what seems to be true in your world? Let’s have a conversation with Spirit and see if you can’t find some comfort and a new way to look at the world.
