FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition


by | Apr 23, 2024 | Executive Intuition Coaching

Years ago, I facilitated a board retreat. The organization’s objective was to revisit the vision and mission statement.

It was a group of women scientists whose purpose was to support other women scientists. Many in the group struggled to be heard and taken seriously in their male-dominated fields. After much discussion—and I mean much discussion—they finally agreed to add the word bold to their mission statement.

The level of discomfort of many participants was palpable and worth challenging. I asked how they could expect to be taken seriously if they were not prepared to be bold. As women, they were still in their mode of people pleasing, making sure the men liked them, not making waves.

Several months later, I ran into one of the board members in the grocery store. She was still struggling with the word bold. I reminded her they had set forth a very aggressive vision and challenged how they might achieve it without boldness. She replied, “Maybe we can be bold but just not tell anyone.”


What word holds you back? What conflict does it bring up in you?

It’s not uncommon for a simple word to be ascribed an undesirable definition when it is a perfectly good word in and of itself.

Are you as bold as you need to be? Are you letting a single word/thought/societal norm hold you back from being all you can be? How can I help you get out of your comfort zone and send clear and consistent messages about who you are and what you stand for? This may sound like an offer for marketing help but it’s really about you boldly marketing yourself.

Let’s check in with Spirit and your inner thoughts to overcome these barriers.
