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Every Decision Moves You Closer to or Further from Your Goal

by | Apr 11, 2022 | Executive Intuition Coaching

Reading The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson was a game-changer for me. Here is the bottom line:

          Every Decision Moves You Closer to or Further from Your Goal

If your goal is to save money, going out to lunch every day takes away from that goal. It’s that basic.

It’s such a simple premise that has found its way into my daily choices.

If your goal is to just survive today, then those micro-decisions really add up. If your goal is to be the CEO in five years, the same is true.

There are a few things that can derail you:

  • Relying on willpower. It is exhausting, keeps you poised in fight or flight mode, and is impossible to maintain.
  • The belief that the little things don’t matter, only the big ones.
  • Not consciously recommitting to the goal you set for yourself.
  • Not having a goal.

This level of consciousness is not a path to perfection. It is a heart-felt strategy made stronger by your intuition. One of the questions I ask myself daily is if my goal is really that important. The day I say no, I need a new goal.

What are your goals? I can help you find clarity and a path forward.

Where are you stuck? I can help you remove those barriers for greater forward momentum.

I offer a no-cost 30-minute discovery call. It’s just one click away. What have you got to lose?
