FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition


by | Feb 16, 2021 | Executive Intuition Coaching

Good news! You don’t need to sit in the quiet for an hour to access your intuition.

Here are three quick tips for getting in touch with your intuition:

3 Breath      
2 Notice  
1 Feel

When you stop to take a breath, you bring much-needed oxygen to the thought process. So take that deep breath – The kind that swells your belly on the inhale and releases from your toes on the exhale. Repeat.

Notice what is happening for you in the moment. Are you moving too fast? Do you need to step back and assess the bigger picture? Are you sure? Do you know what to do next? Is there undue pressure to move more quickly or to slow down? What are you responding to?

Do you feel… worried? Does your gut hurt? Is that little man sitting on your chest? Or do feel confident? Excited? Ready?

These are three easy things that bring you back to center and give you that critical pause before making a decision or taking an action that will impact your desired outcome.

These three quick actions can allow you to open to your wisdom and gain clarity