FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition

The path to success is not a straight line.

by | Oct 10, 2022 | Executive Intuition Coaching

When starting my career, I felt with every promotion that I was indeed on my way up, up, up.

It was a fabulous feeling.

Then the inevitable happened. The path became curved, forked, and at times dipped below where I thought it would lead.

I felt like a failure.

I wasn’t. It was the learning curve, the lesson plan. It was indeed the course of my path.

The best part about these trials was learning what not to do in the future and what pieces I would not change because they are my strengths and cannot be compromised. I learned how to find settings more in alignment with who I am and what I want to become and less about pleasing others for what I thought was success.

Today, I am successful in every way as I continue to learn, grow, and become more of myself as I live into my strengths.

I can help you do the same: less failure, more strengths.

If you want to (re)write the meaning of success in your life, I can help you with a proven strategy based on your vision, values, and strengths.

Let’s get started removing the barriers to your success!
