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How to Prepare for a Psychic Mediumship Reading

by | Feb 13, 2024 | Executive Intuition Coaching

This message is long overdue on my part. It is something I know but have not shared and may help you feel prepared should you consider having a reading.

Before I begin, let me clarify what a psychic mediumship reading is and is not.

A reading is

  • An implicit agreement that allows me to channel messages from Spirit that are for your greatest good and highest purpose. I deliver the message even if I don’t understand it.
  • An opportunity to connect with your guides, your past loved ones, your possible future, and possible challenges.
  • A sometimes-uncomfortable experience because you receive the messages you most need rather than what you most want.
  • An opportunity to find peace and assurance.

A reading is not:

  • A guarantee of hearing what you most hoped to hear or who you hoped to hear from.
  • A roadmap for you to follow. Because you and others have free will, a reading is “as of now.”
  • My subjective opinion. Arguing with what is said is arguing with Spirit.

When you come for a psychic mediumship reading, here are some things to consider. 

  •  What do you most want to know? Is it about love, career, money, travel?
  •  Have questions ready to ask.
  • If there is someone you want to hear from, how will you know it is them? Ask that something specific be revealed to me that will assure you. Nothing elaborate, just specific to the person or your relationship.
  • Be open to receiving. Neither Spirit nor I will intrude. Unfold your arms and legs. Relax. Spirit loves you.
  • Take notes. “Psychic amnesia” is a thing. You can hear something that doesn’t make sense but becomes clear later. It is also helpful when you later question, “Did she say this or that?”

I hope you find this helpful. I will post this on my website to help future clients prepare. Please let me know your thoughts. Perhaps I missed something you found useful in the past. I am happy to add it to my list.

Wishing you meaningful connections with Spirit.
