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Some “Winning Strategies” are a Sure-Fire Way to Fail

by | Jun 22, 2021 | Executive Intuition Coaching

My mom is a master of strategy. It has served her well in most areas of her life.

Until now.

Not wanting to move to assisted living, mom devised what she felt was a winning strategy that required everyone else to change their situation to help care for her at home so she would not have to change her situation.

I get it. And even more kudos to her if it had worked.

So I wonder, what “winning” strategy are you devising that requires another to change?

Maybe you’re waiting for your partner, your boss, your friend, your co-worker to realize that your way is best, or your desires are more important than theirs, and they should get on board.

Sometimes it is waiting for another to notice you or to say a kind word. Other times it is much bigger, like asking another to change their life to suit your needs. The least successful of all is waiting for another to become what you want them to become to fill a need you have.

I had a client who could see how to improve things at her company, and no one would listen to her. Every day she rose again to continue hitting her head against the wall to “make them see how right she is.” In our time together, she realized she was trying to change a whole company to do what she believed was best. Realizing that wasn’t going to happen, she changed employers to one that worked the way she envisioned and found greater flow and acceptance.

As a bonus, my client was able to see other areas of her life where she was trying to change others and why it would never work.

When you wait for others to change to make us happier or more comfortable, it puts all the power for your success in another’s hands. It doesn’t matter if they want that power or not. It only matters that it is not in your hands.

Winning strategies are about how you can adapt, adjust, and call on your inner resolve to make your life happy, productive, or successful.

If you want to take back your power and form a winning strategy, let’s talk about how I can help. That first step is as easy as scheduling a complimentary 30-minute discovery call.