FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition

A dream without a plan is a distraction. A plan without a clear goal is busy work.

by | Oct 3, 2022 | Executive Intuition Coaching

Where do you put your two most precious resources of time and money?
Starting any plan with a clear dream or vision provides valuable information for directing your resources for the best possible outcomes.

A vision isn’t set in lead. It can have flexibility or change when considering new information.
“I always thought I wanted to be or do _____, but I’ve changed my mind.” This kind of reflection is never a waste of time. Your experiences brought you to get even closer to your true desire.
Some visions are a year or two out, and some are for a lifetime. You get to decide. The important part is that the decisions you make and the actions you take are leading you where you want to go.

  • Have confidence in your vision. Don’t allow ego to tell you it’s too grandiose or not available to you. Plenty of successful people came from humble backgrounds that could have made them believe their dream would never be possible.
  • Let go of how. It’s impossible to know every step in advance. The role of a dream is to inform your decisions by deciphering if this next decision gets you closer to or further from your desired outcome.
  • Trust your intuition. Your interpretation or understanding won’t be perfect every time, but it will do its best to guide you in ways you may not immediately recognize as being for your greatest good.
  • Reconnect with your vision every day. Keep it by your desk, on your mirror, in your meditation. Allow it to inspire you ongoing.

Don’t have that big picture in your head but not loving where you are? Let’s get you headed in the right direction!
