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Life at the End of a Yoyo String

by | Sep 1, 2021 | Executive Intuition Coaching

There’s one visual that keeps coming to mind when I think about this year so far. A yoyo. More specifically, what it means to be at the end of the string.

Some things have taken me by surprise, while other things didn’t go as I had hoped.

This whole year has felt like I’m riding the ups and downs and loop-de-loops of a yoyo over which I have no control. Ups and downs and all the tricks in between.

Through it all, I have had to make one consistent decision regardless of the circumstance: avoid the woe-is-me response.

It is a very conscious decision.

Indulging in self-pity is a great way to stay stuck.

Feeling like the world is against me ensures that it is true. Feeling like the world needs my active attention serves me better. One keeps me stuck, while the other keeps me moving forward.

How do you choose to respond when the chips are down — or up and down as the case maybe? I can help.