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What does it really mean to “trust your gut?”

by | Sep 23, 2022 | Executive Intuition Coaching

Everyone has heard about the importance of doing a gut check when deciding. 
There’s a reason for this. The number of nerves is unparalleled anywhere else in the body, so much so it is called the “second brain.” It contains up to five times as many neurons as the number of neurons in the spinal cord.
That means whenever your intuition or “spidey senses” kick in, you are most likely to feel it in the gut. It is an early detection system that reacts to physical and mental stimuli. Sometimes in a foreboding sense, sometimes in a good sense, and sometimes just enough to cause you to slow down.
Still, we need a little help deciphering the message.
So, what is your gut telling you?
The gut, or your solar plexus chakra, is the seat of personal power and will. It is also where the ego resides. Here are some ways to interpret the gut’s message: 

  • Something or someone is causing you to feel threatened (pain or heat)
  • Something feels like a good fit for you (relaxed or even expansive)
  • You are giving away your power and need boundaries (restrictive)
  • Your ego is trying to keep you safe (very restrictive, slightly shameful)

This last one is very common. One way ego tries to keep you safe is by trying to keep you small. You might experience doubtful thoughts like “What if I fail?” “What if I make a fool of myself?” “They’re not going to hire me. I’ll just pass on this opportunity.” “Everyone will just laugh.”
There is a difference between being truly unsafe and being afraid of a challenge. 
But if you have an honest conversation with your intuition, it can help you decipher the right message for you.
A really good challenge should both excite you and scare you.
If you want to know more about how to interpret what your body is telling you, I offer workshops. Contact me to know more at
