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Beyond the Seven Main Chakras: The Stellar Gateway

by | Jul 7, 2023 | Executive Intuition Coaching

All the recent revelations about aliens in the news seem funny to me. Aliens on Earth are nothing new.

Ask any pilot, astronaut, or nighttime truck driver. They have seen them and been unable to talk about it—the few who do often receive ridicule. Beyond witnessing UFOs and aliens, we have a long history and relationship with them. Aliens from beyond our limited understanding of form consist of light of varying intensity and vibration.

Among the most interesting interactions I have had as a hypnotherapist include five particular clients. None of them know each other, yet all five reported this being their first time on Earth and having come from the Pleiades, a giant star cluster visible in the night sky near Orion. Each client mentioned that their planet in this enormous star cluster blew up, greatly damaging the other stars and planets. They are here involved in the environmental and peace movements to help us on Earth from making the same mistakes.

The Stellar Gateway is our link to others, those ahead of our development, and those who understand us better than we do. The Stellar Gateway, the ninth chakra, opens us to that collective wisdom. 

This ninth chakra, the Stellar Gateway, provides access to this kind of wisdom and so much more. It represents the collective wisdom of so many other lifetimes and ways of life beyond the human experience. It can also reveal our soul’s journey throughout time. Think of it as learning from your ancestors as well as recent experiences.

Access to the Stellar Gateway occurs after the Soul Star is activated. That means after you have reconciled any thoughts of karma or past life debt. You must be willing and able to move on from things like shame and doubt in yourself. Once you open this portal, a whole world of possibilities presents itself. Most of us will be able to reach this in this lifetime, but only with constant work to reach a higher vibration. (My personal goal is to be able to levitate. This is the chakra where that can occur after significant dedication to growing in the light. One cannot float when weighed down with emotional baggage.)

When you are ready to activate this chakra, you will appreciate that you must begin to “integrate these energies (that is, slow down) in order to wake up.”* This is more than a checklist of skills and actions. You must allow time for deeper concepts to permeate every facet of your being. Not easy when you are in the middle of learning through Earth’s resistance. But it is possible.

What I have been sharing with you for the past few weeks (and the next few weeks) are not easy concepts. I continue to read and reread the importance of each transpersonal chakra to deepen my understanding. If you would like to ask a question or discuss, please schedule a discovery call with me. I would enjoy the dialogue.


*Pfender, April, The Complete Guide to Chakras: Activating the 12 Chakra Energy System for Balance and Healing