FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition

Ignore your intuition at your own peril.

by | Sep 22, 2020 | Intuition

Ignore your intuition at your own peril. 

Intuition shows up most readily for us through our chakras, the seven main energy bodies, or “satellite dishes” that run along the spine. 

Like a satellite dish, your chakras are continually receiving and communicating messages. The messages usually start as a gentle tap or “ahem.” If that doesn’t work, they get consistently louder and harder to ignore. 📢📢📢

For example, I ignored my heartburn for months, attributing it to what I ate or the time of day I ate it. I reasoned it away rather than honor that pain as trying to get my attention. By the time I could no longer ignore it, I had worked myself into five stomach ulcers. The recovery was long and hard.  

Eventually, I learned that there is a connection between where the pain shows up and its meaning. The solar plexus, or gut, is all about personal power. My five stomach ulcers were caused by my not listening to the earliest signs of discomfort, rationalizing, and thereby dismissing the pain and continuing to give away my personal power. Finally, I had two choices: surrender and take a new direction or literally risk dying.

Once I learned about the chakras I learned:  

  • pay attention to the twinges before they become a major illness
  • the location of the pain means something based on the location and the chakra
  • I can at any time check-in with my chakras and make better, more conscious choices
  • my chakras exist only for my greatest good and highest purpose

So what are your chakras telling you? Where are you receiving those energetic taps or outright pain, and what does it mean? I talk a lot about bringing your whole brain to work by engaging your chakras. Truth is your chakras benefit all areas of your life.

Want to know more? Join me on Wednesday, September 30, 10 am – 12 n for my workshop, “Introduction to the Chakras.”

Click here for more information or to register.