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The Power of the Present Moment

by | Jul 15, 2021 | Executive Intuition Coaching

Last week, my mother approached the reality of leaving her longtime home for assisted living the way the prisoner steps around the puddle on the way to the guillotine.

She was still in her home, still alive, still living in the now.

A few days before the move, Mom made sure the living room chair legs lined up with the impressions in the carpet, knowing full well that the carpets are old and the new owners will rip them up shortly after taking possession. But for that moment, they were still her carpets and under her care.

For me, this small act serves as a reminder of what it can mean to live in the present moment.

Even when you cannot ignore tomorrow’s reality, you might be missing the power of today.

Eckhart Tolle suggests that worry is the most useless emotion. “It is either from a past you cannot change or a future you cannot know. Worry ignores the power of now.”

Are you giving away the power of today in favor of worrying about things you cannot change or know? Do you surrender your power to the fear of the unknown?

Here are some simple ideas to consider when faced with a transition that seems beyond your control.

  1. Find those things you have power over right now. It can be a small thing like still caring for what is or big things like what to bring with you into the next adventure. These may make you realize you have more options and control than you previously thought.
  1. Stay focused on what is yours to address and within your power to change. If the goal is to change an unchangeable situation or require another person to behave differently, you will have given away the of power now.
  1. Allow for hope. Very few things are forever.  Think of this impending next step as temporary, and a new one may appear at any time. As they say in baseball, it ain’t over til it’s over.

If you feel powerless or victimized by what is happening around you, I would love to share some of mom’s secrets with you. Just set up a complimentary call, and let’s begin to discern what is happening for you and find some strategies to help you feel the power of today.
