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The Olive Oyl Perspective

by | Feb 28, 2022 | Executive Intuition Coaching

I always laughed at Olive Oyl, Popeye’s sweetheart and Swee’Pea’s mom.

Olive Oyl walked blindly along busy streets, ignoring the danger, accidentally riding to the tops of elevators on dangerous construction sites, and gently landing back on the sidewalk thanks to a timely beam passing by on a crane. All while cheerfully mumbling and carrying her precious child.

There were times I was exasperated with her and felt that someone should take Swee’Pea away from her.

It turns out Olive Oyl was on to something. Ms. Oyl went through life believing everything would work out. And for her it did.

Now, I don’t recommend walking blindly, not looking ahead, carrying precious hopes into unnecessary danger. However, I do recommend the belief that everything works out for one’s greatest good and to keep moving forward.

My note today does not mean to ignore what is happening in the world. There is war boiling in Europe. Weather patterns are causing significant disturbances. Things are happening in your life right now that feel overwhelming.

And yet, keeping the faith, walking through life believing good things lie ahead until you see otherwise, know that you are safe and capable of continuing forward.

Many of us are feeling so discouraged right now. It is tempting to take a “why bother” or even an angry approach to decisions. Understandable.

Yet, you will go further if you don’t lose touch with the possibility that things will get better, and every decision you make will take you closer to or further from that goal.

As a decision-making coach, I can help you develop the skills and practices that keep you focused, moving ahead, noticing those timely construction beams that pass your way and offer you a lift.
