FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition

Need More Signs?

by | Jun 1, 2022 | Executive Intuition Coaching

I was entering the expressway the other day and the first thing I saw was a sign that warned, “rough road.”

I chuckled, wondering how helpful it would be if life would more boldly label what’s ahead from time to time.

  • “Smooth Sailing Ahead”
  • “Next Exit for Happiness”
  • “This is the Right Candidate to Hire”
  • “Keep Going”

You may laugh, but signs like that actually do exist.

They are in your gut, your heart, your ability to perceive. Too often, these signs are ignored or dismissed or explained away.

Helping you learn how to see, interpret, and honor the signs in your life is what I do.

I teach you how to use your body as a barometer of the unknown to keep you moving forward in a positive direction.

If this feels like a sign that we should work together, please schedule a time to discuss the possibilities.
