FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition


by | Aug 22, 2023 | Executive Intuition Coaching

Been noticing lately that everywhere I go, there is music playing, often loudly.

My husband noted that on the golf course, more and more personal carts are tricked out with Wi-Fi sound bars. The golf course! Are we going the way of Rodney Dangerfield?

It is especilly frustrating when dining out with friends. I want to hear what you wish to share.

I could spend my time shushing the world, but that feels like an exercise in futility. I could walk around with noise-canceling headphones, but that detracts from my presence in the moment. I may miss important information like a siren approaching on my left or someone saying hello.

Most importantly, Silence is critical to hearing Spirit, sensing our intuition, and instinctively responding to the world. It has come down to intentionally creating a quiet space and time to allow information to flow to me. So much information in the silence will serve you better than whatever is coming through your headset.

It is hard to resist being lulled to complacency by the constant onslaught of music in every venue. Try turning off your car radio, eschewing the podcast or audiobook for just 20 minutes. I surprised myself with how quickly I went to turn the radio back on. (Just two minutes!) Twenty minutes can seem like forever, but if you give it at least five minutes, you will find that your thoughts become more productive, the answer to a situation begins to reveal itself, or you realize that your breathing and heartbeat are in sync.

As always, twenty minutes of silence in the morning and twenty in the evening when you are at home are critical to receiving Spirit’s guidance. In a world that offers 24/7 background noise, create a space for Spirit and benefit from greater clarity.

Silence is truly golden.
