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Yes, but is it true?

by | Nov 2, 2021 | Executive Intuition Coaching

How many of us carry damaging stories around we believe to be true?

The correct answer is all of us.

My latest reminder was with my 89-year-old mother who stopped taking my calls because early this summer I insisted she move to assisted living.

It was very upsetting since she lives so far away and getting in touch was not easy. Finally, I had the opportunity to fly home and visit with her. She was so happy to see me she could hardly contain herself.

Mom’s truth had her equally upset. “You stopped calling me, so have your brothers and all my friends.”

That’s when the light bulb went off. A quick check of her very old cell phone and I was able to determine the ringer no longer worked.

The relief I felt was palpable. And yes, I was moved to tears.

The relief she felt was immense! And mom could see that no one had abandoned her.

I offer this to you to invite you to check out the stories that play in your mind be they recent events or the ones you’ve been carrying around with you for most of your life.

What might it mean for your self-esteem, your sanity, your ability to move forward if you could get a new perspective? Hypnotherapy is one of the best tools for taking a more objective look at those stories and finding new understanding.

If you would like to challenge your stories, please reach out for a complimentary discovery call. I’d love to help.
