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The Art of Detangling

by | Apr 13, 2022 | Executive Intuition Coaching

How do you tackle a gnarly situation?

My husband and I have an ongoing (friendly) discussion about how to release a snarl, a tangle, whether it is in my hair, a muscle spasm, or a necklace chain.

His approach is to go right to the center and wrestle with the knot, while I prefer to work from the outer edges inward. It may take a little longer, but that gentle release causes less breakage and discomfort.
Intuitive coaching is much the same way.

Running head-on into something gnarly is exhausting and rarely rewarding.

Chipping away at the outer edges until the core of the situation is in plain sight makes it easier to see, consider, and release.

Some of my coaching techniques include working with the subconscious mind to see a barrier from a distance to gain a new perspective.

Here is what some of my clients have reported:

  • “I cannot believe how different I feel after working with Mary for only a few months. Everything is clearer, and I feel more confident in assessing new situations.” – C.S.
  • “I want to say I got my butt kicked, but in truth, it wasn’t that harsh. I just can’t believe I missed some things that are so obvious now. I feel so much better.” – K.B.

If you want to untangle the barriers to your success, I offer a one-hour, complimentary,  Get Started Building Your Decision Making Strategy session.

Sign up for your session now.
