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Waiting for the Pod to Arrive

by | Dec 15, 2022 | Executive Intuition Coaching

Wishing you a very merry holiday season!

2022 was filled with sad goodbyes and new beginnings. 2023 holds so many wonderful possibilities and I am grateful for the opportunity to share them with you.

Our big move to another state was overall very successful.

Yet like with any big event, there’s always that one bugaboo that can keep things from being perfectly smooth.

By the end of the packing, it was clear some things would not fit on the truck. We agreed to get a Pod and have the remainder shipped separately. Problem solved!

Except that the Pod takes weeks to arrive.

So, here we are in our new home with all our clothes, bookshelves, garage shelves, and most important belongings. Unfortunately, the Pod contains all the clothes hangers and brackets to connect the shelves. Hence, many boxes still need to be unpacked.

It feels discombobulating, especially this time of year.

How good it will feel when all the pieces come together!

This move is like those times when we feel like we’ve done the very best we could, and still, things don’t come together as hoped. It can feel like pieces of us are missing.

In truth, we have all the pieces. We are whole.

If you feel otherwise, let’s spend time together to unearth the hidden Pods in your life and unite the missing pieces.

Let’s start 2023 moving in the right direction.
