FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition

It’s easier to hold yourself down that it is to make progress.          – Ally Love

by | Aug 29, 2023 | Executive Intuition Coaching

When you are frightened by a challenge, your ego is your best friend. It encourages you to stay stuck.

It sends out all kinds of warning flares such as “better not. You might fail.” Or “You’ve got it good right where you are. Why stir things up?” Or “People aren’t going to like you if you do that.” “Better the devil you know.”

Ego is really good at advising you to walk away from the hard work that makes you uncomfortable. And the clinker is how often it uses your own rational-sounding voice to deliver the message.

While ego’s job is to keep you safe, your job is to make progress. Get messy. Become more, better, stronger. Progress means leaving things behind, shedding what holds you back, accepting that some people won’t understand, and knowing that new people who support you will emerge.

The ego resides in the solar plexus chakra, the gut, the energetic center of personal power. When you surrender your power, you will experience stomach ailments. Your ability to digest life is compromised.

Physical ailments can easily find their way to your heart health as you remain misaligned with your passions or stay in unhealthy relationships. The throat can also experience trouble because you are not communicating your truth. See where I’m going with this?

It is often difficult to pinpoint exactly why you are stuck; that is where I can help. Messages from Spirit can come through psychic readings or hypnotherapy sessions. One is quicker, while the latter is deeper. If you are unsure what is right for you, you can schedule a no-cost discovery call.

Ego is our biggest challenge, but it is not invincible.
