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The Best Laid Plans…

by | Feb 27, 2023 | Executive Intuition Coaching

Lately, I have had several conversations with different people experiencing extreme disappointment.

I get it. I’ve experienced disappointment, too. What I’ve learned is that it results from unmet expectations.

That’s when the shoulds and oughts surface.

              That should not have happened. 

              They ought to take care of this. 

Sometimes we aren’t aware we have certain expectations until they aren’t met. Learning to let go of outcomes and accept what is happening in the present moment can be a powerful tool in dealing with disappointment.

There is no cure, but here are a few things to help you live through it.

  • Let go and allow. Things often happen for reasons we don’t know but, in the end, turn out to be right. Let life flow. Trust is key.
  • Reel yourself into the present moment. Acknowledge what is versus what you expected. When the terrain differs from the map, trust the terrain
  • Communicate your expectations upfront whenever possible. If your expectations are off base, you may avoid disappointment down the line.
  • Determine what you have control over and what you don’t. Focus on what is within your power to change and let go of what is not. 
  • Avoid victimhood. Acknowledge the sadness, frustration, and anger that come from disappointment. Just don’t stay stuck there. You are powerful and have encountered a learning opportunity. They aren’t always fun, but they are always necessary.

Unmet expectations show up in your job, relationships, and even your view of yourself. If you’d like to look at why you are so often disappointed, let’s look at it together.

I always offer a free, no-risk Discovery Call to learn more about we can work together.
