Do you find that you lean more toward heart or head when making decisions. With a child you might lean more towards heart but at work more towards head but let’s think about that.
A heart-full decision is guided by how a decision makes you feel be it good or scared or somehow moves you. A heart-full decision can sometimes overlook the data and the realities of limited resources. It relies on everyone agreeing that the vision is most important and when others see that, they will all fall in line and the resources will magically appear. Or even more disturbing, is when a decision is made for other people’s approval.
Here are some examples of heart-full decisions:
“So-and-so will think this is wonderful and I do so want them to be pleased.”
“I can see it now. It will all be so beautiful, and everyone will receive my decisions with the same clarity and goodness in which I made them.”
“OMG! What if the stock market falls and I lose all my money?!? I better cash in now while I still can!”
A head-full decision is one that is based solely on the data. It makes sure the numbers add up, the schedules are in place, the necessary resources are at the ready. The data is more important than how it feels or what other considerations might need to figure in the calculation. Things like willingness, motivation, shared vision, moral correctness.
Here are some examples of head-full decisions.
“This candidate has the perfect resume. Their people skills suck but I’m sure they will make a productive member of the team.”
“All the numbers add up so we are good to go.”
“The (board, CEO, boss) is going to need me to give them absolute data. I’m ready.”
Using just one or the other is a crash-and-burn strategy.
One is not better than the other. You might as well spin the wheel and see where it lands. Or, better yet, feed your dollar to the arcade gypsy machine and see what she recommends.
Better decision making. It requires consulting both the head and the heart. Both the left and right brains. Both the data and the intuition.
The tricky part is understanding how to consciously access the information and then how to interpret it.
I can help.
Do you makeup Heart-full or Head-full decisions?

Chakra Balancing Meditation
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