I’m sure my grandmother didn’t coin this phrase, “There are none so blind…” but she was my introduction to it. And she sure had a way of using it to make a point. She would say it while cleaning my brother’s glasses or listening to the six o’clock news. There are none so blind as those who will not see. We are guilty of this behavior at one time or another. It aligns with that feeling of knowing you need a new job, changes in a relationship, or simply knowing something needs to change and not dealing with it. Personally, I did not want to see the writing on the wall concerning a job situation. But there it was. It didn’t change anything. It was too hard for my ego to accept the situation. It made me feel like a victim rather than someone who had a choice to leave. Here are some easy first steps to greater clarity. 1. Clean your glasses. Dirty glasses can be an indicator of avoidance. 2. Take a 360 view of the situation. Not just the parts you like but the aspects you may be avoiding. 3. Have an honest talk with yourself. 4. If necessary, call me. We can take a look together. Meanwhile, enjoy this picture of the hot air balloons taken from my new backyard. Picture yourself in the basket. Talk about a 360 view! Mary |
“There are none so blind as those who will not see.” – Mabel Cappellino

Chakra Balancing Meditation
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