FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition

Retirement is… not having to run yellow lights

by | Aug 20, 2024 | Executive Intuition Coaching

What’s the hurry?

Being punctual because that is what you value? Missing one minute of a meeting? Five minutes late picking up the kids?

I cringe when I think of all the times I ran through a changing light feeling victorious. What was on the other side of that intersection that was so important it was worth risking my life or that of another?


Better to show up a little late than never at all.

Why wait until retirement to find the peace in slowing down even for one traffic light cycle? You can do it now. Today. Honest. Life will go on.

And when you do go on to your destination, you will arrive calmer, less frazzled, more thoughtful.

When I am stuck in my car trying to make it to a destination on time, I offer up this prayer:

Thank you, Spirit, for helping us all to arrive on time, to open minds, loving hearts, and helping hands. I trust I am always where I am supposed to be.

The calm begins immediately.

You don’t even have to believe it. Just say it anyway.

Need help slowing down? Try imagining the worst that can happen, then ask yourself if it truly is the worst.

Travel safely,
