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The Year of Going Live

by | Sep 17, 2024 | Executive Intuition Coaching

In 2020, I “attended” many virtual conferences, spoke on podcasts from afar, conducted phone surveys, and delivered Zoom workshops across the country. Some of the people I met online became friends and clients even though we never met in person.

This year, I had the pleasure of meeting three of these individuals in person. What a joy to find they are as genuine in person as their online personas!

It further confirmed my intuition and ability to discern authenticity even remotely.

Where and how do you find confirmation of what your gut already knows?

We all give off so many clues, so many tells. The secret is to trust what they tell you when you see them or fell. It will serve you well in business and in personal relationships.

I recently saw a comedian on social media joking about her excellent taste in men. (Unfortunately, I cannot find her again to give her proper credit.) She acted out telling her girlfriend about her first date with this guy, and it went something like this: “He was late. I think he’s married. He took $20 from my bag. But I don’t know. I think this could work.”

How often are we tempted to ignore what our sixth sense is telling us in the name of wanting to get along or, worse yet, to be liked? Not all clues are so obvious, but they are nonetheless indicative of the person.

Life is too short to give your energy to those who will never respect it or return it. If you would like help discerning relationships or tuning into your intuition, schedule a one-hour reading with me.

Let’s go “live” together to ensure your relationships are positive and reciprocal.
