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Unintentional Joy – Part 2

Unintentional Joy – Part 2

Last week, I wrote about the unintentional joy I felt when observing various items that, when paired together, reflected a beautiful theme in my life. That same joy can be found in past life regressions, a form of hypnotherapy that allows you to visit earlier times in...
Unintentional Joy

Unintentional Joy

This morning, while journaling, I sat and looked up at my decorative shelves. Thinking of each piece, its symbolism, and their visually happy marriage moved me. At the top is a vase I paid too much for at a charity auction. My husband wasn’t thrilled with my continued...
I Statements Only

I Statements Only

The first ground rule of meeting facilitation is for participants to make I statements only. You know, in meetings, when you really want to say, “What the heck were you thinking?” but instead you count to ten and say, “I’m confused. I thought...
The Instinct of Fruit Trees

The Instinct of Fruit Trees

My husband and I are new to the desert and trying to grow citrus fruit. Last year, high winds whisked all the buds off the branches, so this year we brought the potted trees indoors. They are small trees with many dozens of blossoms, each representing a...