FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition

Beyond the Seven Main Chakras: Soul Star

by | Jul 3, 2023 | Executive Intuition Coaching

This week, I continue to share what I am learning about the transpersonal (external) chakras, those that align with the seven main chakras and are located outside the physical body.

Learning about the seven main chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown) is one of the most helpful tools I could have ever hoped for. They act as a barometer of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. This life-changing journey now includes the lesser-discussed chakras, numbers 0, 8, 9, 10, and 11.

Today I am exploring the eighth chakra: the Soul Star.

Located just above the crown, the Soul Star connects to our higher selves. We begin to work more closely with our guides, taking in information and calling on them for assistance. This star works in conjunction with the Earth Star, marrying the Earth’s ancient wisdom with the higher energies of the Universe. With each successive, upward chakra, we connect with greater and more far-reaching wisdom. From Mother Earth (0) to our higher selves and guides to the Universe (9) to the Galaxy (10) on to the Divine Gateway (11). Each soul goes at their own pace. You must still pay attention to the lower vibrations as much as the upper energies. The goal, as with the seven main chakras, is balance.

The Soul Star is the center from which you access Divine love, the highest frequency in this Universe. It’s worth the journey!

In this pink chakra, closely tied to our heart chakra, we learn to let go of beliefs around karma and karmic debts. We learn to accept ourselves as beings continuously learning in this lifetime as well as past lifetimes. In short, as this chakra awakens, you begin to remember the incredible being that you are outside of your body and current experiences. You are opening the Akashic records and appreciating your journey. You are a better person to all moving forward because you feel better at your core. You enter a flow state.

According to April Pfender’s book, The Complete Guide to Chakras: Activating the 12 Chakra Energy System for Balance and Healing, “[the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh chakras] open only after significant work and clearing on the inner planes and heart coherence has been reached.” In other words, no baggage or critical judgment of self is allowed. You have evolved past this limited way of thinking about yourself. Acceptance of self and guidance from above are vital to ascending your soul’s experience. 

To get in the flow, you must first relax. To engage your Soul Star chakra, ask Spirit to help you in your meditation to connect your heart and mind beyond your earthly understanding. Ask to be shown your true, glorious colors.

I am happy to discuss this and other Charka concepts further. Simply schedule a discovery call on my calendar.
