FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition
The Year of Going Live

The Year of Going Live

In 2020, I “attended” many virtual conferences, spoke on podcasts from afar, conducted phone surveys, and delivered Zoom workshops across the country. Some of the people I met online became friends and clients even though we never met in person. This year, I had the...
The Gift of Clear Communication

The Gift of Clear Communication

One of the best gifts Mom gave her children was certain knowledge of what she did and did not want as she grew older. Mom was clear: Never let me live with you; it’s too hard on families. Take my car keys when I am a threat to others. I won’t like it. Do it...
What’s your story?

What’s your story?

We all have stories about what happened to us, who our personal heroes are, and, of course, who the villains are. As the runt of the litter in a borderline neighborhood, I was a tough kid in many ways (mostly with my sassy mouth since my physical stature was less than...
Heart is Where the Home Is

Heart is Where the Home Is

Over the past few weeks, I have dreamed almost nightly of going to every place my mother ever lived, looking for her, only to remember she doesn’t live there anymore. I know it is my subconscious expressing my sense of losing home when I lost Mom. It wasn’t where she...