FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition

Creating a Safe Space

by | Mar 14, 2022 | Executive Intuition Coaching

There’s a fun exercise used in hypnotherapy to provide clarity and calm. It’s called creating a safe space and here’s how it works.

This space is of your own creation and lives in your mind and heart. It can be real or imaginary, perhaps someplace you know or someplace you’ve never been, yet you feel completely safe and comfortable. The best part is that you can go there simply by closing your eyes for a moment and breathing deeply.

The safe space exercise serves as an immediately accessible retreat just for you. It is the easiest place to access your intuition. To deepen your connection, look around and notice all that is there.  Once you are comfortable, invite your intuition to help guide you to insights you most need to know about any situation or person.

The tricky part comes when you challenge what you experience as real, so here is a hint. What’s real are the messages and information you glean that become a knowing. The best thing to do is to let go and allow the information to flow in whatever way it comes to you. That information is just for you and is always for your greatest good and highest purpose.

Stay in your safe space meditation for as long as you like or until you get the desired information. A minute or an hour, it’s up to you. It will always lead you to your intuition.

There are other fun tricks and trips for working with your intuition in your safe space. The more you practice it, the easier it flows. You might even experience a different place from time to time or consistently return to the same retreat. Either is okay.

Want to know more about safe space and other ways to develop your intuition? Set up a complimentary 30-minute discovery call here. I’d love to help.
