FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition

Details! Details! Details!

by | Oct 31, 2022 | Executive Intuition Coaching

My Myers Briggs confirms that details are not my strong suit. I love the big picture, happy to delegate the rest.
As we prepare to move to Nevada, there is so much planning before, during, and after, from packing and unpacking to finding a doctor to finding a decent hairdresser to signing up for a Nevada driver’s license. (Written test required!) And let’s not forget all the people we want to see before we go.
Details may not be my strong suit, but it’s important for me to remember that I can handle them. I need to stop any mind chatter that says I can’t. It’s more that constant fear of dropping the ball or forgetting something important that nags at the pit of my stomach.
My thoughts can spiral until I’ve blown everything up into something big that needn’t be.
Can you relate?
Here’s my humble strategy:

  • make a list
  • assign a completion date
  • and — here’s the big one – remember to check it
  • hope for the best

Honestly, there is nothing on my list that, if not done or not done on time, will end my world as I know it. It may cause inconvenience or a late fee but nothing too acute.
What’s on your list that is not your strong suit? How do you get around it, especially when you cannot delegate?
Don’t let your process spiral out of control. Keep the solution simple, and be mindful of the messages you give yourself.
Happy to be of service if you want to know more.
