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Do Agnostics Go to Heaven?

by | Oct 31, 2023 | Executive Intuition Coaching

There is no reason to fear for the repose of a departed loved one’s soul.

Some fear that a departed loved one might not be at peace because they were agnostic or non-practiced in a specific dogma. Such a misunderstanding of the afterlife!

As a traveler into the afterlife, I assure you there are many paths to a peaceful afterlife, and none depend on religion.

The only things that exist in the afterlife are love and understanding.

We are understood, and we continue to understand ourselves. Even the meanest souls (think Hitler) go to this place. Yes, a soul may have work to do about learning one’s lessons, but it is never about punishment, shame, or unpopular belief systems.

It is all about how you lived your life by the intentions you set forth before coming into this lifetime. And not all intentions are positive. Sometimes, a different lesson is needed.

We create our heaven and hell here on earth

The clerics have no more or less of a direct line than the rest of us. Each of us is worthy, as we are from the same Divine spark.

There is no need to fear for your loved one or yourself.

Go forth and live your best life,
