Join me as we invite the spirits of passed loved ones to connect with us.
As a psychic medium, I have been communicating with passed loved ones for many years. Mine and those of others. If there is someone you would like to communicate with, this is your chance. There are no guarantees that your specific spirit will show, however, messages that come through are often for more than one person.
Come prepared to know who you most want to communicate with and what you hope to learn from them. (You don’t need to share the last part, just let Spirit know your hopes.)
Ouija boards are dangerous. Séances are cool as all messages will be delivered through me.
To Be Determined
Seating is limited to the first ten to register.
No video or audio recordings, please, out of respect for others’ privacy.

Have you ever wondered if past lives are real? Or why someone you just met seems so familiar? Or why does a place you visited for the first time feel like home? Maybe you have some tendencies you aren’t sure where they came from. This class is open to experienced travelers and skeptics alike.
Join us to explore your soul’s journey over multiple lifetimes. You will have the opportunity to explore up to three lifetimes.
Please bring a pen, journal, and water bottle.

Everyone has some psychic abilities. Many of us are in tune with them while others believe they have none. Come for this fun and interactive session where you will learn how to tap into your intuition and read others.
This workshop is great for the true believers and the skeptics, the well-practiced and the newbies. If you have a favorite item with special meaning to you, bring it along. (Small items please.) You are also invited to bring a photograph in an envelope for others to “read.”
To Be Determined

The transpersonal chakras are those chakras that align with and extend beyond the seven main personal (physical) chakras. In this course, you will build on your understanding of the chakras and how to reach the highest vibrations further igniting your intuition and alignment with the Divine.
The concepts are at once easy and challenging to grasp and put into practice. We will do a lot of brain-based work as we experience what each chakra has to offer followed by exponential mediations. This is a five-week course.
To Be Determined