FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition

finding home

by | Oct 10, 2023 | Executive Intuition Coaching

A few weeks ago, I talked about settling in. This week, I want to take it one step further.

If home is where the heart is, following my passions can only lead to feeling at home because the heart is all about one’s passions.

Feeling at home means feeling comfortable in my place, in my skin, and like I am in the flow.

Today, upon entering my newly established space at Butterfly of Life, the metaphysical shop in Mesquite, I can be focused on being my best, surrounded by like-minded and multi-talented people. We exchange ideas, consider new opportunities, and support one another. We disagree, have differing perspectives, and still support one another.

As it should be.

In your heart of hearts, do you feel at home? Do you feel welcomed, supported, challenged? Are you celebrated for the very best parts of you?

Hypnotherapy is an excellent technique for setting aside the competing noises and the shoulds and oughts that can hijack your brain. With clarity and a sense of pure knowing, you can come away with a clear idea of what you feel called to do and begin truly making your way home.

While I hang my hat at the shop, I continue my practice in person and via equally effective video calls. If you want to know more, please schedule a discovery call.

I wish for you to feel as at home as I do now, recognizing that it results from a long journey, a keen knowing, and a plan.
