FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition

I am on the cutting edge of nothing.

by | Oct 1, 2024 | Executive Intuition Coaching

What I think of as a grand and new understanding often leads to what others have known, possibly for thousands of years, latching on to readily available ideas whenever I was ready.

Still, whenever that aha moment hits, I feel like proselytizing. Like a newly reformed smoker or the born-again religious, I want to share the good news.

Some of my hypnotherapy clients have experienced this kind of awakening and joy. Their aha moments are precious. It is their next level of truth.

When we are ready to let go of what we think we know, we reach the next level of understanding.

Believing I have found the truth is dangerous. I continue to find new information that better informs my life … until I find the next level of information or understanding. Staying curious helps me avoid staying stuck or stymied.

In tarot, Swords indicate beliefs, philosophies, what one believes one knows, or new ideas one is being challenged to consider. The two of swords show a woman, blindfolded, standing in her truth yet meditating on what else might be. It signifies a time of confusion, meditation, and thoughtful consideration. The two remind us we have options.

To move forward, we often must take a step back.

Challenge your story. How is it serving you? How is it holding you back? Look for other possibilities for your actions and those of others. There is always more to the story. There is always more to learn.

Are you ready to challenge what you know? You may be a candidate for hypnotherapy that allows you to explore a greater truth in a safe and confidential setting.

When you’re ready, give me a call.
