FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition

messages of support

by | Jun 11, 2024 | Executive Intuition Coaching

Thank you for all the many messages of support. It warms my heart.

At the risk of you clicking off, I have one more observation to share with you.

Mom is firmly in the first stage of grief (denial.) She believes she is going to get better. At the risk of being a buzz kill, I had to tell her that wasn’t likely.

What I actually said was that her body has served her well and it is tired. That she can continue to live but not in this body. She said she would “think about it.” Just planting seeds for her to consider.

Speaking of planting seeds, Mom has a beautiful potted ivy on her windowsill. It belonged to her mother who passed away in 1976. Many plants have since started from this single source. The grandchildren have all taken clippings for their windowsills. My mother asked to be buried with the plant, to which we agreed, but recently, my grandmother came through to me saying she wants it to stay above ground and continue to live. So, instead, I will send some clippings with Mom and keep the plant.

When it is time, my first act will be to provide new potting soil for this tireless and prolific giver.

I’m pretty sure it is the original potting soil or darn near close, yet the plant has thrived. Like my mother’s body, the soil has defied all physical logic and continues to sustain itself. Mom’s body is also depleted, but through sheer will, she is still with us—just like grandma’s ivy.

Here is my takeaway: Never underestimate Spirit’s ability to nourish you.
