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Mistaking the Silence for Unanswered Prayers

by | Mar 26, 2024 | Executive Intuition Coaching

Silence can be deafening.

Silence can often be mistaken for no one listening, no one seeing, no one caring.

Yet, silence is often where the magic happens. It is when your angels are busy putting the things you requested on your path.

You did remember to ask, right?

That’s the most essential element. You must ask for help and guidance; you must put the wheels in motion.

You break the silence when you take a chance, recognize the answers, and or explore what each possible opportunity can mean. That doesn’t mean a new car will appear in your driveway. It doesn’t mean the person of your dreams will ring your doorbell.

It does mean that Spirit is always listening and working for your greatest good and highest purpose. This is where faith comes in. If nothing is happening, it is about to, or you need help recognizing it, or you need help believing it.

Spirit is definitely trying to reach you. Let me help you decipher the messages.
