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My Magic Mushroom Trip

by | Sep 11, 2023 | Executive Intuition Coaching

I am late to the party.

While a child of the ’60s and ’70s, other than a little pot now and then, I was not really into drugs. I feel lucky that I was not so stressed that I wanted to escape my life and lucky that I was usually too broke to get into too much trouble.

Finally, after much encouragement to experience mushrooms’ magical properties and spiritual connections, I indulged in psilocybin.

I am grateful to my guide, who thoughtfully prepared me and her spiritual induction ceremony. She remained nearby to ensure I was comfortable. I feel it is essential to say that I also checked with my physician to be sure there was nothing particular to my physical and mental health that needed to be considered.

I wish I could tell you that it was a magical mystery tour, that my physical self dissolved, and I became one with the Universe, with Spirit, devoid of ego, and with the highest callings of the eleventh chakra. But I didn’t.

I wish I could say I came away with the sage wisdom of gurus atop the high Himalayas. But I didn’t.

I wish I could say that it answered all of life’s mysteries. But it didn’t.

Instead, I felt so calm and in tune with the depth of our world, seeing the connecting threads within many dimensions our waking minds cannot see. It was beautiful, and I know now that they are always there. I need to believe and trust its existence. And I reconnected with the ferry folk who, despite our so-called advanced minds, have been relegated to the mythical realms despite their true existence.

It was a pleasant experience and one I will undertake again.

What I learned about the process is how important one’s mindset is before entering into this realm. I appreciated just letting things happen without trying to control them. I just was, and it was beautiful. (Perhaps we should consider air-dropping doses over war zones to encourage all sides to see our oneness, beauty, and shared humanity.)

In preparation for this experience, I read Michael Pollen’s “How to Change Your Mind,” where he described his experiences with various hallucinogens. He reported experiencing a loving sense of oneness beyond anything he had ever experienced. I have experienced this on several occasions sans drugs and with deep meditation. If I could experience it more often, that would be great, but mushrooms or other hallucinogens are not required. They are more of an accelerator.

I most appreciated seeing the dimensions displayed in beautiful colors and energy patterns. The world is deeper than we can see, and while I could have told you that, it was lovely to experience it.

There were a few other messages of a personal nature, but nothing too dramatic. There will be a next time, though. I haven’t decided when, but I will go for the larger dose and see where it takes me. (It turns out that SSRIs or anti-depressants can keep the medicine from being absorbed.)

Of note, at no time did I lose my common sense. I felt no compulsion to leap off buildings or take unusual risks. I’m not sure that would have been true when I was younger. Common sense does come with age and experience.

I would love to hear about your experiences with mushrooms or other hallucinogens. I won’t share with others without your permission and never with your name associated. I also welcome any suggestions for future considerations.

Meanwhile, I am here if you would like to have a psychic reading or discuss how hypnotherapy can help you remove barriers to a more magical life.
