FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition

“Oh, Shit!”

by | Jun 25, 2024 | Executive Intuition Coaching

–  Sr. Benedict, fifth-grade teacher

Salvation is found in the darnedest places, at the darnedest times. And, often, when you didn’t even know you needed it.

Growing up in Catholic schools for twelve years, we heard an awful lot about things that can damage our relationship with God and our chances of getting into heaven. The stuff we heard about salvation came at a high cost (at least in my opinion) and often involved perfection.

But, one day in fifth grade, I stayed after school and heard the distinct sound of supplies spilling from the supply cabinet and hitting the cloakroom floor. Then I heard Sr. Benedict impart words my nervous soul so needed to hear: “Oh, shit!”

It was a turning point for me. It was permission to be imperfect. If all nuns go to heaven (as they reassured us was true), and this one swears, there is hope for me.

Simple, straightforward, and life-saving—all in two little words uttered by a nun.

It’s funny where we find salvation, and it’s funny the release it brought me. I believe Spirit worked it for me to be after school that day so I could hear those words.

Where have you found salvation? How has it shown up for you? Perhaps you received an apology you thought you would never get or somehow found closure in an unexpected way.

I have had the honor of working with clients, especially those nearing the end of life, who call wanting closure around earthly issues with current or passed loved ones. It is incredible how we were able to find it together.

If this sounds like something you want to know more about, please schedule a discovery call and see how we can work together.

You are already saved,
