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The Grace in Gradually Letting Go

by | May 7, 2024 | Executive Intuition Coaching

I have talked about the grace of gradually letting go twice in the past week. 

One friend is dealing with a loved one who often cannot remember her name. Another friend fears she will never have time for herself—and worse yet, isn’t sure she’d know what to do with it if she had it. Her responsibilities seem to mount daily.

In both cases, we talked about the grace that comes from gradually letting go. 

As my first friend’s husband steadily slips away, she is also gradually building a life that is about her rather than them as a couple. She has more golf dates, the ability to take classes, and the ability to still reach out and love him.

With the second friend, we talked about retaining for herself the space that comes when one obligation ends. Do not offer that space to another (and there is always another person who could benefit from her help.)

Sudden losses, such as a loved one having a fatal heart attack or even winning the lottery, will cause life to go sideways, and it is tough to find equilibrium for a very long time. 

When things happen gradually, the transition is absorbed a little bit at a time. It’s not all fun in the meantime but envisioning the path to the light at the end of the tunnel has benefits to suddenly being blinded.

Neither friend can change their immediate situation, but there is a gentle grace in gradually transitioning peacefully and with good boundaries. 

What is overwhelming you these days? Would you like some help gradually easing the stress in what otherwise looks like an endless situation? Schedule a discovery call, and let’s see if together you can find a way to look forward from under the current pressures.
