So many excellent responses from last week’s missive about choosing your word for 2025. Thank you!
My word is flow. Others chose peace, no drama, f*ck no, simplify, commit, and pivot.
Now comes the tricky part: remembering to consult your word for daily guidance for the next full year. Where will you post your word to remind you? May I suggest next to your computer, your bathroom mirror, on the cover of your journal, the car dashboard?
Not every form of resistance I encounter is going to be mental or even spiritual. Like my blue jeans. I’m trading skinny jeans for a fuller leg. The goal is to make it easier to bend and stretch to ease the flow in daily life.
Where will you find greater peace, less drama, the ability to say no, etc.? Let it surprise you.
Engage with people who allow you to feel what you seek. Walk away from other people or situations that leave you feeling depleted, complicated, unable to pivot. I realize it may be more difficult in some situations than others, but it is not impossible. You may need to ask for and accept help. You may need to walk away entirely. You may even need to open different doors to find what you seek.
This is your year to find what you most need.
Carpe annum!
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