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What’s your story?

by | Aug 6, 2024 | Executive Intuition Coaching

We all have stories about what happened to us, who our personal heroes are, and, of course, who the villains are.

As the runt of the litter in a borderline neighborhood, I was a tough kid in many ways (mostly with my sassy mouth since my physical stature was less than adequate), but that way of survival didn’t work for me when I joined the workforce. Less bravado, more compliance got me a lot further. My story had to change from posturing for basic survival to recognizing I was physically safe.

Then there are the deeper stories we cling to:

 “Well, that’s just how I was raised.”

“I’ve always been the outsider.”

 “My mother never loved me.”

Stories need to be questioned and reconsidered from every perspective, including your understanding of others who were involved. Yet, we tend not to question our stories until they no longer serve us, until they no longer produce the results they once did, until they begin to work against us.

 This process of reevaluation is not a sign of weakness, but a powerful act of self-empowerment.

Imagine a tool that can help you question and reconsider your stories, offering a new perspective and a fresh start. That’s where hypnotherapy comes in. It’s a powerful tool for growth and change, and it’s waiting for you to explore.

I provide a calm and confidential environment that allows you to safely explore new perspectives, derive new meanings, and cultivate empathy and forgiveness for yourself and others. This secure space is a game-changer for those who need a new way of being.

 If you’re feeling like your story isn’t working anymore, I’m here to help. Let’s set up a discovery call to see if hypnosis is something you’re ready to explore.
