FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition

An Emerging Chakra: The Oversoul

by | Aug 14, 2023 | Executive Intuition Coaching

Ever heard of The Oversoul?

I discovered it when studying the transpersonal chakras. I had heard of it before but only recently delved into it.

Last week, I discussed the Akashic Library, a Spiritual collection of all past, present, and future thoughts, words, and actions of our souls and those of others on our collective journeys. When you connect with the Akashic records, you can glean a great deal of information about your soul’s path, purpose, and possibilities.

The Oversoul has a slightly different purpose. With each new enlightenment, The Oversoul collects that energy of knowledge and informs all your lifetimes allowing you to continue to ascend. It’s important to note that ascension isn’t necessarily upward. It’s more outward, radiating even more brightly to support us on our journey. Think of it as expansive energy helping you to grow into your powerful self, far beyond what we can physically accommodate.

The Oversoul supports and reminds the soul of all the soul contracts we have entered into either prior to coming into this lifetime or during. It notes our ability to discern the lessons and allow our souls to move more freely through life.

In my practice, I came to appreciate that so many others shared my experience of turning 50. Turning 50 is a point when many of us say we want the next 50 years to be different. We examine friendships, marriages, career choices, habits, etc., and decide what must go, what can stay, and under what conditions. We have far fewer friends opting for quality over quantity. We assess which relationships give and receive in equal measure. The Oversoul absorbs that discernment, and with it, you grow stronger, brighter, lighter, more powerful.

The Oversoul requires more exploration than can be covered here. It is a vast concept to think that with each dawning and new “aha,” we lighten our souls, relieve our burdens, and expand our positive energy.

I recently read Michael Pollen’s book, How to Change Your Mind, in part about his experience with LSD and a psilocybin (mushroom) experience he had that he could only describe as meeting with The Oversoul. He only wished he, as a writer had words to describe this incredible energy that exists for us all. (I am planning my own psilocybin experience for later this month. I will report back on my experience as best I can. If Michael Pollen can’t find the words, I, too, may struggle.)

The Oversoul is located between the heart and throat chakras and is symbolized by a gold infinity loop. It connects our highest chakra, The Divine Chakra, with the Heart, offering insights and pure love sans judgment.

In her book, The Complete Guide to Chakras: Activating the 12-Chakra Energy System for Balance and Healing (p. 168), April Pfender offers this meditation to connect with The Oversoul. Here is a synopsis for you to consider.

  • Begin by doing your deep breath work and bring your attention to the place between your Heart and Throat chakras, known as your High Heart or Oversoul. Next, state your intention aloud: “Spirit help me to connect to my oversoul today. Help me reach self-realization to my highest capacity beyond the understanding of my mind. Allow me to surrender to the truest essence of myself, now.”
  • Next, think of a few small requests you want to investigate. Then just listen and observe. Do not try to force an answer. You may hear a random song lyric or see a movie scene or notice a scent or any other seemingly random thing that enters your consciousness. Just let it happen. Stay present in the meditation for 20-30 minutes.

You should then journal your experience or otherwise process the information you received to take form in your mind.

This sounds easy, and, in many ways, it is, but it can take much practice, so do not give up. Continue to relax and avoid telling yourself, “It doesn’t work.”

I hope you are enjoying learning more about the chakras along with me. The chakras are a powerful system for navigating life and engaging your intuition for the greatest success. It reminds me that everything is energy, and energy is manipulated with whatever intention we set.

So, what are your intentions?
