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“Are you distracted by the future?

by | May 6, 2022 | Executive Intuition Coaching

As my husband and I prepare our house for market, I keep receiving these wake-up calls that I still need to pay attention to this place as if we still lived here – because we do!

Damn, I still need to clean the bathroom, pay the bills and participate in daily living. I even have work I need to attend to but it’s just not as exciting as my vision for the future.

In my early years of married life, preparing for Thanksgiving dinner was a week-long project. Menu planning, shopping, cleaning, invitations, etc. Every year I was surprised by the very vocal reminders from my little ones that I need to feed them the all other days of the week. My thought was, “Why can’t you wait until Thursday?”

The furthest thing from my mind was the day we were living.

Having a grander vision for one’s life can be like that.

In my head, I am focused on the new house, the new area, and the new opportunities heading my way. I am so far out into the future that today can sometimes feel like a distraction when, in fact, today is on my path to that vision. I must prepare, stay present, one step in front of the other. Pack another box.

How do you, as a dreamer, learn to make the present count?

As I discussed in an earlier blog, in the book “The Slight Edge,” Jeff Olson makes the case that we are either working toward our goal or moving away from our goal. But if we are not consciously aware of what is happening before us, it is hit or miss.

Be consciously aware that today is a part of the bigger picture. You want to include it in your plans and make it count toward your vision.

I can help keep you focused and moving forward. Let’s get started.
