FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition

The Most Unexpected Place Executives Find Essential Information

by | May 28, 2020 | Intuition, Work

As an Executive, you know that making decisions that affect so many important things is a huge responsibility!

“If only I could be sure…. “ 📏📊📉

Well, there are no guarantees in this world but there are ways we can add to the obvious and copious amounts of data: A gut check.

As an executive intuition coach, I work with clients to understand how their intuition shows up for them and I can help you learn how yours shows up for you.

And yes, you are intuitive. 🧙‍♂️🧙‍♀️🧘‍♀️

Here’s a scenario so many of us can relate to: There was that one candidate you hired because they had the perfect resume and references even though you had that nagging feeling that told you that something wasn’t right. You hired them and then…  they turned out to be a real problem in the organization.

Truth is that a bad hire costs you time and money that take you backwards instead of forwards.

The CareerBuilder study cited estimates above $7,000 to $10,000 as the average cost of hiring the wrong individual for an entry or mid-level position. The cost of wrongfully hiring a manager is typically in excess of $40,000

There are few things more costly than a bad hire.

So, take that time to check in with what your gut, your heart, your head, your very bones are trying to tell you can save you time and money down the road. 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️

Not sure how to trust those instincts? Let me help! I offer free 30 minute discovery call to see how I can help.

Once you recognize how your intuition shows up for you, it is easier to call on it and to honor it.


I am offering you this opportunity to check out my intuition coaching program for executives and decision makers who want to spend more time moving their organization forward instead of digging out from past decisions.

If this sounds like something you would value, let’s set up a 30 minute call to discuss.