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What Walls Need Your Attention?

by | Jun 5, 2020 | Work

I started six separate posts since yesterday but they all felt tone deaf to what is happening in our cities and country.

My heart sank and my anger raged when I saw the wall being erected around the White House.

This led to an internal conversation about what walls am I putting up? What uncomfortable truths am I hiding from? I’m no newcomer to engaging in conversations about white privilege but it would be a fallacy for me to think such conversations can ever be done.

For me, I am committing to learning the sides of history I was never taught. To see who was at the table and who was not. I also need to look at my own trusted circle to see what perspectives are missing before I voice an opinion.

From this point forward, I commit to asking more questions and answering very few.

So I ask you, what walls have you erected consciously or otherwise that you are willing to challenge?

If you are a leader in your company, what walls are there to greater understanding?

✔Check the demographics of your staff
✔Check the demographics of who holds which positions
✔Check the corporate policies and look for what is there and what is missing
✔Commit to learning from professionally trained facilitators
