FREE MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: Chakra Balancing for Greater Intuition
From Perfect to Authentic in One Minute and Fifty-Three Seconds

From Perfect to Authentic in One Minute and Fifty-Three Seconds

A few weeks ago, I grabbed my phone,🤳 went outside, hit “record” and shared a brief tip for those of us who were feeling socially disconnected because of the quarantine restrictions. The message was simple – when you cannot be with others, connect with Mother Nature....
What Walls Need Your Attention?

What Walls Need Your Attention?

I started six separate posts since yesterday but they all felt tone deaf to what is happening in our cities and country. My heart sank and my anger raged when I saw the wall being erected around the White House. This led to an internal conversation about what walls am...
The Most Unexpected Place Executives Find Essential Information

The Most Unexpected Place Executives Find Essential Information

As an Executive, you know that making decisions that affect so many important things is a huge responsibility! “If only I could be sure…. “ 📏📊📉 Well, there are no guarantees in this world but there are ways we can add to the obvious and copious amounts of data: A gut...