Aug 29, 2023 | Executive Intuition Coaching
When you are frightened by a challenge, your ego is your best friend. It encourages you to stay stuck. It sends out all kinds of warning flares such as “better not. You might fail.” Or “You’ve got it good right where you are. Why stir things up?” Or “People aren’t...
Aug 22, 2023 | Executive Intuition Coaching
Been noticing lately that everywhere I go, there is music playing, often loudly. My husband noted that on the golf course, more and more personal carts are tricked out with Wi-Fi sound bars. The golf course! Are we going the way of Rodney Dangerfield? It is especilly...
Aug 14, 2023 | Executive Intuition Coaching
Ever heard of The Oversoul? I discovered it when studying the transpersonal chakras. I had heard of it before but only recently delved into it. Last week, I discussed the Akashic Library, a Spiritual collection of all past, present, and future thoughts,...
Aug 6, 2023 | Executive Intuition Coaching
I always thought that the permanent record idea was made up by the nuns, designed to keep us all in line by reminding us that God is always watching and knows what we’re up to. A Big Brother state invented by nuns. It had a lot of connotations of guilt and shame...
Jul 28, 2023 | Executive Intuition Coaching
Truer words were never spoken. I have had a crash course in the transpersonal chakras, which I have shared in my last five posts. In short, they take us from engaging with the deepest and most profound Earth energies all the way to the Divine. As if to further my...
Jul 25, 2023 | Executive Intuition Coaching
The exact number of chakras varies depending on who you talk to. They are along our spines, in our hands and feet, between our heart and throat chakras, along various meridians. The most commonly discussed are the seven main chakras. For the past four weeks, I...
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